Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Freedom Isn’t the Danger

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: February 24, 2023

After reading the Honorable Justice Paul Rouleau’s “Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency,” you may demand a palette cleanser. Matt Taibbi wrote a full article, “The West’s Betrayal of Freedom.”  I’m going to quote an anarchist.  For both Taibbi and me, Justice Rouleau’s bizarre defense…

Snappy Put-​downs Do Not a Debate Make

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: August 12, 2009

There is a political struggle going on over reforming how Americans obtain and pay for medical assistance. But is there a debate? Mostly what we hear, instead, are snide put-downs. Gail Collins recently wrote in the New York Times that “members of Congress are getting yelled at about socialized medicine…

Free to Petition

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: January 16, 2024

In December 2020, True the Vote helped Georgians to file elector challenges “based on data showing over 364,000 voters appeared to be ineligible to vote due to change in residency.” Section 21-2-230 of Georgia Code Title 21 states that any elector “of the county or municipality may challenge the right…

The Liability Behind the Curtain

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: July 22, 2010

Do not look at the liability behind that curtain! Or: Do not mention that we don’t know what the liabilities are. Some things are too painful to report. Apparently. The folks who audit the Social Security Administration are late on a set of reports. The reports in question account for…

Like a Business

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: March 13, 2000

Politicians sometimes say government should be run like a business. But for one simple reason it never will be: it's not a business. Government agencies don't need to satisfy customers or make a profit to stay in existence. But government can still use some of the methods of accountability practiced…

Wisconsin’s Kumbaya Moment

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: August 11, 2011

With all our divisive politics, who would’ve thought it would take a spate of recalls in Wisconsin to bring folks together in democratic unity. Whether we root for the blue team, the red one or seek a third color — green or something — we can all celebrate that an…

Virtual Charter Schools

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: August 6, 2010

Progress in education does not require a never-ending increase in funding for public schools. My wife and I have home-schooled our daughters. I know that kids like learning, and away from classrooms can learn, and learn well. The future of education almost certainly involves a wide diversity of educational methods…

Browsing for Trouble

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: December 24, 2009

Microsoft is in less trouble today than it was yesterday. The software maker has been in hot water with the European Union because Microsoft integrates a browser with its operating system. To avoid costly litigation, the firm has "settled" with European regulators and agreed to "offer customers a choice" of…

The Whistleblower Who Shall Not Be Named

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: February 14, 2020

“YouTube — Google, one of the largest, most powerful companies on the planet — has just censored political discourse from a U.S. senator on the Senate floor,” reports independent, online journalist Tim Pool.  The case refers to the alleged “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella, around whom hangs a sort of hush-hush infamy…

A Light Bulb of an Idea

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: January 18, 2011

Suppose you knew that a heavily-demanded, glow-giving product, cherished for more than a century, was about to become illegal. And suppose you wished to continue being a USER (gulp) of this product and maybe even a DEALER of it (double-gulp) after the ban takes effect. What would you do? Stock…