Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Trust Us

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: December 7, 2001

Before what's left of our liberty goes up in smoke, we need to take a deep breath and think things through . . . or at least our legislators do . . . at least the legislators of Montgomery County in Maryland. The Montgomery council has just approved one of…

Houck Off the Hook

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: February 8, 2023

A jury has acquitted anti-abortion activist Mark Houck of ridiculous federal charges.  Houck had admitted to pushing a pro-abortion activist (and volunteer abortion clinic security personnel) who, charges Houck, had been verbally harassing his 12-year-old son. The incident occurred outside of a Philadelphia abortion clinic in October 2021. Local police…

Isabel Paterson

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: April 7, 2016

Men are born free, that since they begin with no government, they must therefore institute government by voluntary agreement, and thus government must be their agent, not their superior. Since volition is a function of the individual, the individual has the precedent right. Then even if it was presumed that…

Balancing Three Trillion Slices of Baloney

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: June 16, 2008

Democrats thump their chests. Congress just passed a budget . . . in an election year. For the previous four election cycles, that hasn’t happened. But, since the budget crossed the $3 trillion mark for the first time ever, let’s choke our huzzahs. The federal government is spending us —…

Fatter Than Ever

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: January 29, 2001

Oh, that crazy federal government! It just keeps growing and growing and growing! What to do? Well, every new session of Congress, the Cato Institute, a Washington think tank, issues another edition of their Cato Handbook. The Handbook invites our representatives to take a look at what they're doing and…

That’s a Kick!

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: September 10, 2001

What's the best way to help a man when he's down? Kick him? That's what some folks in Washington seem to be saying. They say that with the economy weakening a bit lately, Bush made a big mistake giving us a few of our own bucks back. They say the…

Ice Cream From Hell

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: October 1, 2003

I support ice cream and disagree that the Food and Drug Administration should prohibit all ice cream. Keep your hands away from my spoon, FDA! Okay, the FDA doesn't want to ban ice cream. It just wants the power to do so. It wants the power to define substances like…

What’s Fair is Fair

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: October 16, 2003

Thursday, October 16, 2003 What worries me is that if you did it, government might have to shut down. Okay, so maybe that doesn't worry me so much. Here's the deal. After some high-profile firms were found cooking the books Enron, Worldcom Congress cracked down. Fraud, they said, could not…

Opportunity for … All?

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: March 13, 2019

Simple pleasures are the best. So are simple questions. Senate Bill 2306 in North Dakota “would make it easier for spouses of military personnel to transfer their existing occupational licenses for use in North Dakota, provided they are in good standing and licensed by a reasonable entity,” explains Rob Port…

Connecticutting The Dots

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: September 7, 2009

Connecticut used to be one of the go-to places for escaping state income taxes. But in 1991, Governor Lowell Weicker hatched the novel idea of burdening Connecticut residents with the same direct tax on income with which Americans have been saddled in so many other states. Despite the deep unpopularity…