Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Unlisted Help

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: October 11, 2023

Kindness; generosity; aid — even these need defending from government. In “Performing Charity Is a First Amendment Right,” C. J. Ciaramella writes about the difficulties people have had in feeding the poor in their towns and cities. The problem is not lack of charity — unless you mean the lack…

A Morning After

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: October 5, 2016

Yesterday we celebrated the end to “a disgraceful episode in Wisconsin history” — the dawn police raids of the so-called John Doe investigations against conservatives alleged to have violated campaign finance regulations. State and federal courts ruled that no laws were broken and some laws were unconstitutional — certainly Milwaukee…

Running Democracy’s Red Light

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: March 15, 2012

In the traffic snarl of political ideas, the liberating concept behind America seems as straightforward as the freeway: The people are the boss, with rights above government, and “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” The people…

The Last Shall Be First

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: February 15, 2023

The Iowa house has acted to make it easier for persons in the state to speak without getting sued into oblivion. By a 94-1 vote, representatives passed House File 177, an anti-SLAPP bill that provides for prompt dismissal of lawsuits intended to intimidate people into silence rather than to redress…

No One Owns Anybody Else

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: July 22, 2016

“The left does not own homosexuals anymore,” said Milo Yiannopoulos, to a crowd outside the Republican National Convention. And the crowd cheered. I’ve talked about Milo before. He’s a controversial figure. So much so that Twitter just banned him for life. (That had something to do with his tweets about,…

Panic in the Prairie State

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: June 28, 2018

When your state has the lowest credit rating in the union, the highest population decline rate, and spends nearly a quarter of its annual budget on an out-of-control government-employee pension system, what do you do? Raise taxes, of course! That’s the advice of experts in Illinois, anyway. You can see…

The 6 Percent Solution

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: September 17, 2021

The Idaho Supreme Court has stated the obvious. The question was whether legislation passed by the Republican-dominated Idaho state legislature making it prohibitively difficult to run a successful initiative campaign is consistent with the state constitution. In August, the court ruled that requiring petitioners to obtain signatures from at least…

Pincher, Pinchee

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: April 1, 2016

Limited government sports several rationales. The need for it pertains on many levels. One such level we don’t think about enough? This: Not every rights violation warrants calling in the law. Take the strange case of Breana Evans, 12-year-old assailant, charged with misdemeanor battery. What did she do? She pinched…

Townhall: Democracy by Pretense

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: May 17, 2015

Insiders continue to chafe at the restraints imposed upon them by outsiders — that is, citizens. But citizens who keep their eyes on the prize can keep republican government democratic. Sometimes the outsiders just cave. Click on over to this weekend's Townhall column. And come back here for more information.…

Grading on a Skewed Curve

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: June 3, 2022

Oak Park and River Forest High School, a Chicago-area school, is imposing standards of grading designed to equalize academic performance among races. According to a plan discussed at a recent school meeting, “Traditional grading practices perpetuate inequities and intensify the opportunity gap.” Teachers must now ignore whether, for example, students…