Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Relevance: 47%      Posted on: August 25, 2023

Il n’y a point de plus cruelle tyrannie que celle que l’on exerce à l’ombre des lois et avec les couleurs de la justice, lorsqu’on va, pour ainsi dire, noyer des malheureux sur la planche même sur laquelle ils s’étaient sauvés. No tyranny is more cruel than the one practiced…

Video: A Capitalist Peace?

Relevance: 47%      Posted on: January 17, 2015

Please, please, don't be a pessimist. Steven Pinker interviewed by Caleb Brown, courtesy of Cato Institute:

Freedom of Religion

Relevance: 47%      Posted on: May 21, 2001

Mr. Ashcroft is in trouble again. What has the controversial attorney general been doing this time? Well . . . praying and reading the Bible. Not during work hours. Not disruptively. But right in his office at the Justice Department before work starts. Well, is he requiring other workers to…

Video: The Three Levels of Federal Debt … and the Coming Crisis

Relevance: 47%      Posted on: June 27, 2015

Michael Tanner of Cato Institute has a new book out, and it looks like it takes on the federal budget, deficits, and debt in an honest and realistic manner. This is what Americans need to understand. But will politicians ever tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the…

Not-​So-​Safe Deposit Boxes

Relevance: 47%      Posted on: June 25, 2021

Now hold on just a minute. I’m not one of those crazies who thinks the government is nothing better than a den of thieves constantly looking for new ways to steal from us. So don’t accuse me of making such an accusation. Please. But, gee whiz, it sure makes the…

A Contorted Practice, Challenged

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: December 16, 2009

In his book Stuff White People Like: The Definitive Guide to the Unique Tastes of Millions, Christian Lander notes that “Yoga is essentially stretching with guidance. . . . . You might think that since yoga is such a minimalist activity, it can be done almost anywhere. But you would…

National Slap on Wrist

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: October 11, 2003

60 Minutes is known for its hard-hitting investigative journalism. Sometimes it seems to hit harder at business than at government, but recently we've seen an exception to that. Mike Wallace talked to businessmen and homeowners under attack for the crime of well, owning property, I guess. Governments around the country…

The Groundhog Day Ban

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: October 22, 2014

Sometimes the only way to make your point is to keep repeating yourself. So it is when explaining why the law requires educational institutions that receive federal funding, like Ward Melville High School, to allow clubs such as the one formed by17-year-old student John Raney in 2013. Students United in…

Not an Accusation

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: October 8, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh’s weekend confirmation as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 50-48 Senate vote, didn’t settle the allegations of his past sexual conduct in a judicial manner. Wild disagreement remains. Many on the Left continue to believe our newest justice repeatedly lied under oath, having abused…

Townhall: Finns, Americans and the Income Guarantee

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: December 20, 2015

Fixing the welfare state, for everybody’s benefit, should be high on the political agenda. But if a fix isn’t possible, maybe we should be thinking more radically about its very real problems. Click on over to, for Paul Jacob’s December 20, 2015, column. Then come back here, for more information. Cato: “Finland…