Search Results for: Drew Edmondson

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Townhall: Freak-​Out, Death Threats, and…Neutrality?

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: December 17, 2017

It’s been quite the furor — over the FCC’s removal of the Net Neutrality regime that the Obama Administration FCC had placed upon the Internet. Is it really an expression of legitimate outrage over a grave policy . . . mis-step? Injustice? Faux pas? Could it be the end of the Internet?!?!?!? Maybe it…

New Red Map

Relevance: 11%      Posted on: September 4, 2023

“China warns US Has Crossed Red Line” began Newsweek’s headline to a report that the Chinese state-run Global Times threatens a “brewing and imminent storm of lethal consequences for Taiwan” in retribution for the U.S. recently providing $80 million in military assistance to the island nation.  China claims Taiwan and…

Our Money, Good — Their Profit, Bad

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: September 2, 2015

“One thing that we’ve done,” boasted Dennis McBride of Support our Schools-Wauwatosa, “is we’ve made sure every time one of our legislators pops up his or her head above the foxhole, we’re there to shoot at them.” His audience, consisting of educators at a free event hosted by the non-profit…

Dependence or Independence?

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: July 4, 2019

“America does not want to witness a food fight,” Senator Kamala Harris said at last week’s debate, reprimanding her squabbling fellow Democratic Party presidential contenders. “They want to know how we're going to put food on their table.” The no doubt well-rehearsed line drew raucous applause. She’s right; we’re not…

What Was I Thinking?

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: March 6, 2020

Time sure flies when you’re having fun. Today is my birthday. I am 60, and thus begin my 61st year on this planet.  For the last four decades — my entire adult life — I’ve worked in politics. That might not seem like much fun. Politics is a constant struggle,…

The Aged Cheese Stink

Relevance: 8%      Posted on: June 24, 2014

I’m no cheese expert. But I know what I like. And I prefer “interesting” cheese to the mostly mass-produced product I see on supermarket shelves. Why? A failure of capitalism? No. Blame the FDA for today’s mediocrity in cheese. The milk product industry has been heavily regulated, subsidized, and managed…

Drew Carey

Relevance: 8%      Posted on: May 18, 2015

Drew Carey

Relevance: 8%      Posted on: May 17, 2016

There’s no way I can justify my salary level, but I’m learning to live with it.

Fixing California

Relevance: 6%      Posted on: May 25, 2004

Paul Jacob Mention initiative, referendum, and recall to political insiders and you'll hear a one-word rebuttal: California! California politics is almost universally portrayed as, well, a little loony. California stands out from other states of the union, of course, for a host of reasons, from the sheer size and diversity…