Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Recall Terminates Taxes

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: September 2, 2003

We've all been told that the attempt to recall California Governor Gray Davis is wild and crazy. Not so many realize that the state's voters have probably already benefited just from having the recall measure on the ballot. But Michael New of the Cato Institute has noticed. New notes that…

Between the Devil and the Deep State, See?

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: December 18, 2019

“If it turns out that impeachment has no sting, has no bite,” exasperated Princeton University professor Eddie Glaude, Jr., speculated on Meet the Press, “and we are in the aftermath, what it will mean is that there will be an unlimited, an imperial, executive branch that can do whatever it…

Government to Fix Medical Care? Cough Cough.

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: February 28, 2008

The trouble with making government the solution for our medical system’s failures is that government is without a doubt the chief cause of those failures. Greg Blankenship, founder and president of the Illinois Policy Institute, recently made this very clear in a fascinating column. Blankenship looks at the regulations that…

July 27

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: July 27, 2014

July 27 births include that of Samuel Smith (1872; pictured), an American who served as a captain, major, and lieutenant colonel in the Continental Army, and later as a politician in several capacities in the state of Maryland; Hillaire Belloc (1870), author of a classic analysis of modern political governance,…

Painted Into a Corner

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: June 25, 2001

What's the price we pay for all those federal regulations the government keeps churning out? Clyde Crews, a scholar with the Cato Institute, estimates that our economy loses $788 billion a year because of regulations. He figures that a typical two-income family loses about 18 percent of its after-tax budget…

More Disagreement, Please

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: November 14, 2002

I wish there were more disagreement in the world. Or anyway, I wish there were more disagreements of the kind Larry Elder has with term limits. In a recent column Elder takes issue with Ed Crane. Crane runs the Cato Institute, a think tank in Washington, DC. Elder notes that…

Parental Authority: Grounded

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: July 10, 2008

A daughter sues her father for grounding her. A court agrees that the punishment was too severe. The court overrules father, overturns punishment. What? This is happening in Canada. So it's not anything we in the States need worry about. Yet. I didn't quite believe this story at first. But…

Finding Ferguson

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: August 19, 2014

A week ago last Saturday, at high noon in Ferguson, Missouri, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot dead by police officer Darren Wilson. Brown was black, Wilson is white. Protests immediately followed, understandably; sadly, so did rioting and looting. Not to mention dueling narratives. Michael Brown was an unarmed kid walking…

Cold, Hard Reality

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: July 1, 2011

Yesterday President Obama declared that no one is arguing for government default. But isn’t it amazing to see so many politicians work so hard to ensure that un-argued-for goal? There are two parts to a default. The first is running up debt; the second is not paying it back. Like…