Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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F. A. Hayek

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: July 4, 2016

The commitment to ‘social justice’ has in fact become the chief outlet for moral emotion, the distinguishing attribute of the good man, and the recognized sign of the possession of a moral conscience. Though people may occasionally be perplexed to say which of its conflicting claims advanced in its name…

C.-F. Volney

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: November 6, 2017

Can liberty be born from the bosom of despots? and shall justice be rendered by the hands of piracy and avarice? C.-F. Volney, The Ruins of Empires (1791).

It’s His Party

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: January 23, 2023

If you’re a fan of freedom of speech, you’re probably also a fan of the First Amendment of the United States’ Constitution. Unfortunately, governments keep trying to evade it. When their censorship can’t itself be evaded, often the only thing to do is go to court.  Merely showing a copy…

Destutt de Tracy

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: February 12, 2013

There are ... laws of nature, which we cannot change, which we cannot even infringe with impunity; for we are not the authors of our own being, nor of any thing that surrounds us. Thus if we leave a heavy body without support we are subject to be crushed by…

George Mason

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: June 12, 2013

I retired from public Business from a thorough Conviction that it was not in my Power to do any Good, and very much disgusted with Measures, which appeared to me inconsistent with common Policy and Justice.

Refusal of Service?

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: September 6, 2013

“We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.” Not a sign of the times. Businesses, in these United States, may not discriminate against people on the basis of race, religion . . . and now, in nearly half of the states, because of sexual orientation. This came up in…

Mercy as a Calling

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: July 15, 2014

The cause of immigration reform hit a huge speed bump in recent weeks, with the arrival at the border of thousands upon thousands of children from war-torn Central America. War-torn? Yes. Gangs — micro-governments in the olden style — fed by drug money have turned the Latin American states to…

Hannah Arendt

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: November 24, 2021

Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself; the masses have to be won by propaganda.Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (1948), as quoted in “Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization,” by Christiaan W.J.M. Alting von Geusau, Brownstone Institute (November 17, 2021).

Isaiah Berlin

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: June 6, 2014

Everything is what it is: liberty is liberty, not equality or fairness or justice or culture, or human happiness or a quiet conscience.

George Sutherland

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: May 21, 2021

A free press stands as one of the great interpreters between the government and the people. To allow it to be fettered is to fetter ourselves.Associate Justice George Sutherland, Grosjean v. American Press Co., 297 U.S. 233, 251 (1936).