Search Results for: Eyman

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One of Us?

Relevance: 62%      Posted on: November 27, 2019

As the Democratic Party presidential campaign began heating up earlier this year, one of the stars faintly streaking across the sky was Washington State Governor Jay Inslee. In the over-populated ranks of presidential wannabes, he stood out not for being exceptionally nutty, but for so memorably presenting the new Nut…

What Unlimited Government Costs Us

Relevance: 62%      Posted on: December 20, 2017

“Olympia can’t restrain itself,” Tim Eyman wrote the other day, a judgment on legislative irresponsibility hardly unique to the Evergreen State. Citizens around the country have cause to lament the difficulty of obtaining anything close to a good legislature. Too often the merely “bad” would constitute a significant improvement. Which…

No Exaggeration Necessary

Relevance: 61%      Posted on: April 23, 2009

Artful exaggeration is a part of good writing. Take this example from Yakima Valley Business Times editor Bruce Smith: “All of us who think we already pay too many taxes should bow west toward Mukilteo at least once a day.” Smith did not figure he could set up a new…

Demonize, Demonize

Relevance: 61%      Posted on: November 6, 2013

Washington State’s I-517 failed yesterday. Did demonization help assure its defeat? In the state’s Voters’ Pamphlet, the second item against the measure was “I-517 benefits Tim Eyman” because, it was alleged, the measure would allow Eyman to “double his output and increase his profits.” Eyman is a great guy, but…

Townhall: Democracy Makes a Comeback

Relevance: 58%      Posted on: June 21, 2015

This weekend, your Common Sense advocate catches up the good folks at with the latest clever initiative on the West Coast to give citizens what they need to restrain government growth. Click on over. Come back for the background reading: Voters Want More Choices Initiative 1366 Townhall: “America’s No.…

How to Raise Taxes

Relevance: 58%      Posted on: March 3, 2010

Times are tough; state revenues, down. So politicians have a choice: 1. Do the one thing economists definitely warn not to do, raise taxes; or 2. Do the one thing powerful lobbies say not to do, cut spending. In Washington State, guess which one politicians are doing. Washington’s governor and…

Democracy Makes a Comeback

Relevance: 57%      Posted on: June 23, 2015

He’s back. And he’s not running for president. (Not yet?) Just when big government boosters in the Evergreen State thought it was safe to raise taxes, Tim Eyman and the group Voters Want More Choices have returned to the streets with Initiative 1366. I-1366 is identical to Initiative 1325, a…

Townhall: The Man Who Saved the Evergreen Constitution

Relevance: 57%      Posted on: April 22, 2018

A major win — a double win! — for citizens-in-charge government. Click on over to Townhall for the big story. And the come back here for a little more: The Stranger: Eyman Wins, Judge Orders Deadly Force Initiative to Go on the November Ballot Seattle Times: Washington lawmakers violated state…

Evergreen Eyman

Relevance: 53%      Posted on: September 8, 2015

“Initiative 1366 is blackmail,” one plaintiff charged. No; it’s just political hardball. Washington State voters have cast their ballots five times (by initiative measure) to require a two-thirds vote of both houses of the state legislature, or a vote of the people, to increase taxes. Though the rule is neither…

The Legislature That Couldn’t Tax Straight

Relevance: 53%      Posted on: August 19, 2019

“If you lost count of how many new and higher taxes state lawmakers passed this year,” begins Jerry Cornfield’s recent column in the Everett Herald, “it was 12.” Cornfield doesn’t appear too distressed about the tax hikes, however, worrying instead that Evergreen State voters will be “awash in tax advisory…