Search Results for: Drew Edmondson

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Above the Law

Relevance: 100%      Posted on: March 14, 2008

It's nice to have friends in high places. Or to sit on high yourself - way up above the law. Or so Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson must think, as he chirps from his high perch. Last year, State Representative Mike Reynolds detailed publicly that Attorney General Edmondson had violated…

Edmondson v. Term Limits

Relevance: 94%      Posted on: May 20, 2008

Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdon is disappointed by the most recent objectionable conduct of his state's attorney general. The AG, Drew Edmondson, publicly opposes a bill to term-limit the offices of state officials, including his. The proposal would impose a twelve-year maximum. Mild as far as term limits go, but…

Opposed to Answers

Relevance: 92%      Posted on: April 28, 2008

A Daily Oklahoman editorial laments the killing of a bill that would have created a task force to study the state's initiative process, writing, "The initiative petition process in Oklahoma is in need of a fix." That's why Representative Randy Terrill sponsored the bill. Which passed the House 86 yays…

Constitutionally Unsuited for the Job

Relevance: 79%      Posted on: February 13, 2008

You can't answer every random fallacy uttered by fierce foes of facts and logic. Can't always ignore them either. Like, when your polemical adversary is trying to jail you for ten years. I refer to Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson, who indicted me and two others for abetting democracy in…

The Wicked Witch Is Dead

Relevance: 79%      Posted on: July 29, 2010

Many is the time I’ve compared various politicians to The Wizard of Oz’s man behind the curtain. They’re not bad men; they’re just not very good wizards. But today brings a different connection to Oz: I can’t get the song, “Ding-dong, the Witch Is Dead!” out of my head. Tuesday,…

Guilt and Innocence in Oklahoma

Relevance: 77%      Posted on: January 21, 2008

Last October, two colleagues and I were indicted by Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson. Our crime? Helping a petition drive to limit the growth of government spending. Supposedly, we three willfully violated an arbitrary residency requirement for signature gatherers. As I've explained at the website, we acted in good…

Feeling Sorry for Oklahoma?

Relevance: 75%      Posted on: November 17, 2008

I’m beginning to feel sorry for Oklahoma. That may seem a little strange to regular readers. They know that Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson is prosecuting me, along with two other activists, for work on a 2005 petition drive to cap state spending. He’s trying to throw us in prison…

Another OK Court Decision?

Relevance: 73%      Posted on: June 4, 2008

Here's another interesting court decision in Oklahoma. Oh, this time it's not a petition with hundreds of thousands of voter signatures being tossed out. And no, it's not quite as crazy as that ruling allowing a man to photograph up the skirts of girls at the mall. This time Oklahoma's…

If It Can Happen to Trump

Relevance: 69%      Posted on: April 3, 2023

If it can happen to former President Donald Trump — something like the politically motivated ham-sandwich indictment issuing from an avid Trump-hating Democratic DA — can it happen to you and me? It already happened to me. Fifteen years ago. Handcuffs and leg-irons. Paul Jacob, Rick Carpenter, Susan Johnson. The…

Scare Tactic in Oklahoma

Relevance: 67%      Posted on: July 23, 2008

The political establishment resists reform. Voters have had to take their favorite causes - like term limits and tax limits - over the heads of politicians, directly to fellow voters. And politicians don't much like us voters having all that say-so. That's why they've tried to legislate the initiative process…