Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Big Brother or Barney Fife?

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: June 7, 2019

Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Hampshire — these are the states that have shouted a big NO to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s citizen scanning agenda and its database of 640 million faces.  “As the FBI amasses hundreds of millions of photos for its facial recognition program…

The Soulless Opposition

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: October 2, 2011

Are Republicans mean-spirited, blood-thirsty, evil? Lawrence O’Donnell thinks so. The host of “The Last Word” on MSNBC — that ever-so-GOP-friendly and fair-minded network — argues that “the Republican Party of the 21st Century, if we are to judge by the debate audiences, has obviously lost its soul.” Prior to his…

Objectivity’s So Passé

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: August 3, 2021

“Will More Media Bias Save Democracy?” James Bovard headlined his latest column.  At issue? Yet another call for journalists to abandon objectivity, and, as Bovard puts it, “take sides on the barricades.” This time it comes from Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan, who suggests reporters use a “‘pro-democracy’ frame.” …

NOT on Townhall: In Defense of “Spoilers”

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: December 13, 2013

The place of minor parties — challenger parties — in American politics needs to be rethought. Last weekend I wrote one of my regular columns for I considered what the Libertarian Party challenge means to limited-government folks in the Republican Party. Unfortunately, while I was told they would be…

Starbucks Gets Out

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: July 19, 2022

Though not a fan of Starbucks’s often obtrusive lefty politics, I sure like its beverages, such as the glorious Flat White. I’ll take a venti. Thankfully, it appears that trendy politics has limits. Despite the company’s support for a Marxist organization that riots and rampages in the name of racial…

Smoke But No Gun

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: February 5, 2018

The Republican memo soaking up so much attention paints an ugly picture of a republic gone off the rails — but it should not be mistaken for The Facts. We have smoke, sure. And the smoke can be seen, not unreasonably, as a sign of . . . a vast…

Merry Christmas, America

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: December 25, 2015

In addition to the religious significance of Christmas, Americans share an excellent historical reason to celebrate this day. In January of 1776, Thomas Paine published his smash hit, “Common Sense.” This pamphlet galvanized public opinion in favor of the American Revolution, which had begun the previous year at Lexington and…


Relevance: 13%      Posted on: October 25, 2019

Even people who get their information only from major network news know that, in their mad rush to promise free health care, Democratic presidential hopefuls would raise taxes for nearly everybody including the “hard-working middle class.” How do they know? Because at least one of the eager promisers won’t give…

Why Fire the Dean?

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: December 26, 2018

Students and faculty at the University of Southern California are upset because a popular dean of the Marshall School of Business, James Ellis, has been fired by interim USC President Wanda Austin. Hundreds have rallied in protest and petitioned for his reinstatement. Why the ouster?  The administration has offered a…

The USDA-​Approved Christmas Tree Cartel

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: November 19, 2011

President Barack Obama is not a Muslim; he is not foreign-born; and he’s not taxing Christmas! Glad we cleared that up. The president is, however, taxing Christmas trees. Or, at least, his Department of Agriculture was . . . until the public found out about it. That’s when Matt Lehrich,…