Search Results for: irs targeting

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Townhall: Let’s Repeal Freedom of Speech?

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: June 29, 2014

No one likes shackles. Especially certain members of Congress (all Democrats) who yearn to be free . . . of constitutional constraints. Click on over to, for the latest attempt to increase the power of insiders at the expense of America's democratic-republican heritage. Then come back here for more…

The Bidening

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: September 27, 2022

It does seem — because of the raids and surveillance and things targeting critics of the regime — that the Biden administration (“the Biden”) is out to get its political opponents. John Hinderaker of Powerline notes a few recent tip-of-the-iceberg actions by the Biden or its political allies. The Dilbert…

You Can’t “Give” Me What’s Already Mine

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: December 9, 2008

A mooching relative borrows $500 from you, wastes it all in a drunken spending spree, never pays you back. Eventually, he loftily hands you a fiver. He says, “I don’t even know why I give you this money, but I’m a nice guy. Use this gift to create jobs or…

Commiserations on Tax Day

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: April 15, 2010

It’s April 15, my eldest daughter’s birthday. I used to tell her she wouldn’t have to pay taxes like everyone else, because IRS folks wouldn’t dare make her file on her birthday, would they? Seriously, when it comes to family and taxes, I’m just glad that my wife does all…

The Silver Bullet

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: January 31, 2000

Remember the Lone Ranger? With the help of Tonto, he fought corruption and injustice in the old West. His trademark was a silver bullet. In his new book Completing the Revolution, columnist and TV commentator Robert Novak says, "Term limits is the silver bullet, because unless you have term limits…

Reversal of Charge

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: December 20, 2022

Using PayPal never guaranteed smooth sailing. But until recently, the problems users encountered mostly pertained to PayPal’s targeting of fraud — not with whether a user uttered wrong thoughts or pursued projects disfavored by corporate implementers of a Chinazi-style social credit system. More and more, though, PayPal is informing individuals…

Townhall: It Takes a Collectivist

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: July 7, 2013

There's no doubt about it, in her MSNBC "Lean Forward" spots, Melissa Harris-Perry leans left. Very left. This weekend's Common Sense column explores the weird bias of one MSNBCer. Click on over, and come back here for more reading: Some of this may seem familiar. No surprise: “A Little…

The J. Edgars’ Threat Tags

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: May 24, 2022

Last year, Attorney General Merrick Garland found himself under fire for putting parents under fire. That is, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was shown to be targeting for investigation parents upset at school boards for promoting Critical Race Theory. Garland tried to weasel out of the situation, but since then…

Show-​Me Madness

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: March 24, 2009

What if you were profiled by the police as a terrorist simply because of your political beliefs? A new report entitled "The Modern Militia Movement," prepared for law enforcement agencies by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, threatens just that. The report doesn't detail any current criminal activity in Missouri. It…

Gave at the Office?

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: April 10, 2000

You may have seen the article in your local newspaper, unless of course you've been too busy to read the paper because you've been rummaging through old receipts and struggling with various tax equations in order to get your federal income taxes filed. Well, the message from Congress on paying…