Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Wooden Noses

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: May 24, 2021

“The core of the dispute is this,” declares The Washington Post’s “Fact Checker” column: “Did the virus emerge from nature — ‘zoonotically’ from animals — or was it the result of a lab experiment gone awry?” Ah, modern journalism: even when dealing with some actual facts, is the real point…


Relevance: 15%      Posted on: May 8, 2018

“For some time now,” writes Sen. Rand Paul for The American Conservative, “Congress has abdicated its responsibility to declare war.” Kentucky’s junior senator knows how unconstitutional this is. “The Founders left the power to make war in the legislature on purpose and with good reason,” Rand Paul explains — correctly.…

Farming Is Fundamental

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: December 17, 2021

If you live in Maine, you may now grow your own food. The right to do so has been safeguarded in the state constitution. If you have the right to life and to sustain your life, surely you have a right to farm. As we all know, though, governments regularly…

O That Wacky Gerrymandering

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: September 29, 2017

Hillary Clinton: always wrong. Oh, I’m sure that when she tells the maid “We need milk,” she’s accurate enough. Otherwise — forget it. Her latest howlers pertain to the movement to convene a Convention of States. If two thirds of the states call for the convention, it “will be” convened,…

Somebody … to Squelch

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: November 26, 2021

I AM . . . somebody! . . . with an officially “restricted” Facebook account. I’d like to thank my family and friends for always believing in me — even many decades ago when it was unclear if I had what it takes to even get arrested. And now, after…

Townhall 2014

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: January 4, 2014

On, in the year 2014 A.D., columns by Paul Jacob: January 5: A Movable Voter Fraud Feast? — Boy, have Colorado's insider Democrats whipped up something for (that is, against) the voters this time! January 12: Embracing Economic Justice — Want social justice? Want peace? Give liberty a chance.…

Robert Reich Makes Common Cause With Police State

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: July 22, 2015

Common Cause says its job is “Holding Power Accountable.” Robert Reich is the pre-eminent “people’s progressive” propagandist of our time, promoting himself as on the side of underdogs and against corporate power structures. After the Wisconsin John Doe probe was judicially squelched, last week, Reich promoted Common Causes’s official reaction,…

I See a Bill

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: February 8, 2021

“See something, say something.” Reasonable enough advice, most times. But what if the scary thing you are supposed to report is someone’s heated political opinion? A bill called the “See Something, Say Something Online Act of 2020” — just reintroduced last week — would require websites and interactive service providers…

Packing Unpacked

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: December 14, 2021

The “court packing” notion that progressives itch to implement has obvious flaws — which have been addressed (but not settled) in the recent report of the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States, initiated by the Biden Administration last April.  The report, just out, did not give…

The Best Case for Trump Isn’t

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: October 27, 2016

I support neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump for the presidency. Still, I do understand several reasons to vote for Trump, including, most obviously, “he’s not a Clinton.” The most persuasive strategic reason given for voting for the man, however, and the one that has most purchase with me, is…