Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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But for a Video

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: October 2, 2014

I’ve argued that police be required to wear cameras on the job — for the sake of both the wrongly used and the wrongly accused. But ensuring that video is recorded and then, if necessary, used in tandem with other relevant evidence to secure justice doesn’t happen automatically. It requires…

Most Messed Up

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: July 13, 2017

“Politicians are notorious for making promises they can’t keep,” Matt Egan reports at CNN Money. “But they really outdid themselves in Illinois — and now the state is paying for it.” Egan dubs the state “America’s most messed-up.”* No wonder the state has the worst outbound migration in the nation…

Townhall: The Fight for Your Gun Rights

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: August 4, 2013

This weekend's Common Sense column at looks at the latest political battles over gun-ownership rights in the two states of the union that have also legalized marijuana. Shoot on over, and reload back here, with more information: Spokane Spokesman-Review: Washington gun initiatives square off Ballotpedia: Washington Gun Rights Measure,…

The Uninvestigated

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: January 15, 2021

We have long relied upon journalists in major media to cover actual news. And investigate leads to juicy stories of major import to clear up confusion. But the mainstream media has become mainly propagandistic: “journalists” today rarely “report,” they propound and pontificate. And help spread disinformation for major political factions.…

The Underground Amphibian

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: August 25, 2017

A new species of frog has been discovered, and I’m just happy it has nothing to do with online japes and jibes about Trump, social justice, or an ancient Egyptian deity. But before you can say “Praise Kek,” please note: Sometimes a frog is just a frog. But this frog…

The Ratchet Racket

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: April 8, 2020

Various models and curves and soothsayers predict that the coronavirus will lay off as the summer sun waxes. And then rush back in the autumn. So we should not look at just near-term threats, but also look at cycles of contagion month-to-month, year-to-year.  Yet, it is not just the dreaded…

Cronyism Pays

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: May 19, 2017

Daniel Mitchell, a senior fellow in fiscal policy at the Cato Institute, is a nice guy. But he’s sort of depressing, too. Weeks ago, writing for the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), Mitchell offered that “The Washington, DC Gilded Class Is Thriving.” He even provided a “depressing chart” graphing “median…

The Rates that Matter

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: June 30, 2020

Millions more Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 than are considered “confirmed cases,”* at rates ranging from 6/1 (Connecticut, early May) to 24/1 (Missouri, late April), making the fatality rate of COVID-19 much lower than feared. Unfortunately, we cannot trust our news sources to be forthright about this. The “death…

Six Million Dimes

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: October 20, 2022

“EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak should not be getting a dime of taxpayer funds,” declared Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), “until they are completely transparent. Period.” Nevertheless, “despite losing a previous award for failing to provide records essential to an investigation into that origin,” Daszak’s group is now slated to…

Mrs. Term Limits Stays on Top of the Swamp

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: December 15, 2018

principle: prin·ci·ple /ˈprinsəpəl / noun 1. a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.Oxford Dictionary This week Nancy Pelosi showed she would do almost anything to get back on top. Including . . . the…