Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Kids Paid to Propagandize

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: March 15, 2024

“You get paid good.”  So said one student when asked “Why should students join CFJ?” How well-paid? $1,400, for learning to fight for “racial justice” and “social justice.”  Parrot left-wing propaganda, that is. The activist group Californians for Justice has paid at least 78 public high school students a total…

You Could Look It Up

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: August 5, 2022

Your constitutional rights have been violated. Now what? One thing you can do is find out exactly where you stand with respect to what the Institute for Justice calls “clearly established law.” IJ has created a new research tool, the Constitutional GPA, to help lawyers and others identify relevant legal…

Herbert Spencer

Relevance: 45%      Posted on: June 7, 2017

Primitively the love of property is gratified only by possession of food and shelter, and, presently, of clothing; but afterwards it is gratified by possession of the weapons and tools which aid in obtaining these, then by possession of the raw materials that serve for making weapons and tools and…

Clean Elections or Dirty Con?

Relevance: 45%      Posted on: November 23, 2010

No supporter of so-called “clean elections” would argue that we should be forced by law to pull the lever on election day for the candidate we oppose. But the tangled web that politicians and regulators have woven with campaign finance laws does often force us to support candidates we oppose…

Guilty of Claiming Innocence

Relevance: 45%      Posted on: June 16, 2023

Some gangsters take it personally if you object to being railroaded. So they railroad you some more. That’s what happened to Robert Reeves, a Detroit auto mechanic and construction worker. In 2019, Wayne County confiscated his Camaro after police saw him visit a site that supposedly contained stolen equipment. The…

Frank Serpico, born on April 14, 1936, was a New York City policeman who testified against police corruption in 1971 and was the subject of the 1973 film, “Serpico,” starring Al Pacino

Relevance: 45%      Posted on: April 14, 2012

“The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on…

Violent Double Standard

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: March 20, 2024

Trying to find justice in the justice system is sometimes like panning for gold in a dry river. But what ho, hey, we’ve found some. Victoria Taft points us to “a federal judge who believes in justice” . . . or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Recently, California District Court Judge…

A Tour of Over-Regulation

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: September 22, 2010

Want a measure of the regulatory state run amok? Recently in the Washington Post, Robert McNamara of the Institute for Justice informed us that “In the 1950s, only about one out of every 20 Americans needed a license to pursue the occupation of their choice. Today, that number is one…

Another Protected Incumbent

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: July 13, 2011

It’s an impasse worthy of Joseph Heller. The author of the comic novel Catch-22 provided us with the perfect term for a specific type of trap. In Heller’s story, you could only get out of the army if you were crazy — but if you asked to get out, that…

Activist Drew Carey

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: February 20, 2008

My new favorite comedian is Drew Carey. Not that Carey is funnier than, say, Don Knotts . . . or explanations of the national debt. I just like what Carey’s doing lately — helping turn local stories about political lunacy into national stories. Carey is working with, spinoff of…