Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Contemptible Court

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: March 5, 2015

Judge Tim Grendell missed his calling. Given his dictatorial impulses, he should have been a Soviet commissar or ancient Egyptian vizier. O, but for time, and place, and the mismatches of metempsychosis! Grendell has lashed out punitively at Nancy McArthur, chairman of the Geauga County (Ohio) Republican Party, for seeking…

On the Wire

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: July 2, 2013

There’s something worse than “printing the myth”: printing government press releases and calling that “journalism.” In those cases where folks in today’s news media do get their watchdog legs underneath them and yet their questions go unanswered, we citizens need be mightily concerned. “The Justice Department did not respond to…

Library Against Liberty

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: May 15, 2024

Paul Jacob on censorship, local-government-style.

Land of Impunity

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: October 7, 2014

“It is now clear that the police, without provocation, can beat an unarmed young student senseless — with impunity. They can blatantly lie about it — with impunity. They can stonewall and cover it up for months — with impunity. They can express no remorse and offer no apology —…

Must Known Musk

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: September 15, 2023

Enthusiasts for prohibiting political dissent must know that the First Amendment protects the right to utter controversial speech. They must know that there’s no constitutional loophole for speech that they disagree with.  Another “must know”? That calling the public statements of political opponents “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” etc. is no…

Return to Federalism

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: November 6, 2014

As we make sense of this week’s sea change — of the Great Shellacking Democrats took on Tuesday — some caution is in order. In 2006, voters did not choose the Democrats because of what they were or what they promised, but because of what they weren’t: corrupt, clueless Republicans.…

Cops as Robbers

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: June 8, 2015

If there’s anything that cops should not be, it’s robbers. By “cops” I mean anyone, including prosecutors, charged with protecting us against criminals. The guardians should not become predators themselves. Thankfully, these two presumptively opposite categories of men have not become wholly indistinguishable — yet. But every day brings more…

The First Isn’t Enough

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: August 6, 2012

The First Amendment isn’t enough. Because its provisions have stronger teeth than most other amendments in the Bill of Rights, it gets put into service quite a lot, to bolster other freedoms. It’s a pity there’s no general “right to freedom” — or even “freedom of contract” — amendment. A…

The Expert De-Platformed

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: January 13, 2022

Dr. Robert Malone researched mRNA technology in the 1980s at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. He helped develop mRNA vaccines. He is a founder of Atheric Pharmaceutical. He’s got plenty of credentials.  So you might think social media companies would respect his voice in the area of his expertise.…

Scandal Not Going Away

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: November 22, 2013

We’re past Day 195 of the IRS scandal. I mean the one about how IRS agents processing applications for tax-exempt status gave an especially hard time to Tea Party and similar groups, asking endless intrusive questions and delaying legitimate tax-exempt status for years or never granting it at all. The…