Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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The Breaking of the Corporate Woke?

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: March 10, 2024

Among the biggest stories of the day is the wokification of corporate America. The update? Corporations’ are pulling back from their activism, at least according to a report in The Epoch Times: Wall Street titans appear to be having an increasingly hard time reconciling the conflicting goals of progressive activism…

Anarchy in L.A.

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: September 18, 2000

If I told you that anarchy reigned in L.A., you might suppose I was referring to corruption and criminal activity by Los Angeles police. Actually, this particular anarchy is taking place in Los Angeles County and it has to do with the desire of career politicians there to trash democracy…

July 27

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: July 27, 2013

On July 27, 1694, the Bank of England received a royal charter, beginning a long history of central banking in England. Subsequent inflationary booms and deflationary busts are subsequently considered "mysterious" by people connected with the bank. John Steinbeck's Travels with Charley in Search of America, was published on July…

Blizzards of Blather

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: January 30, 2015

If you’re living in New England and you’ve recently been buried under snow, you probably don’t want to hear how it’s somewhat the fault of (man-exacerbated) global warming. Nor that we can, maybe, tweak the weather to perfection if only we drastically curtail the carbon-emission needed to make boots, gloves…

Three Cheers for Robert Murphy

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: November 15, 2010

Here’s something worth three cheers. Possibly four. Robert Murphy is a prolific young economist of the free-market “Austrian” school of economics, which has a vibrant online presence at, the website of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. In October, Murphy decided to challenge Paul Krugman, the prominent economics professor, author…

Thomas Jefferson and Peyton Randolph

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: September 5, 2016

This House, being deeply impressed with apprehension of the great dangers, to be derived to British America, from the hostile Invasion of the City of Boston, in our Sister Colony of Massachusetts bay, whose commerce and harbor are, on the first Day of June next, to be stopped by an…

Dare to Cut

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: November 19, 2010

If the Tea Party's newly elected spokespeople really want to prove they are serious, they must dare to gore a familiar ox. The best place to start? Pentagon budgets. It's not just me saying that. Just as Congress overspends domestically, it overspends militarily, primarily by what Cato Institute's Downsizing the…

Mass Corruption

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: June 29, 2009

Ah, these United States — which is most corrupt? New Jersey’s a traditional favorite. Chris Christie, the Republican candidate for governor this year, built his reputation as a federal prosecutor convicting 130 state and local politicians of corruption. But Illinois is a contender: Think ousted Governor Rod Blagojevich. Now, make…

Another OK Court Decision?

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: June 4, 2008

Here's another interesting court decision in Oklahoma. Oh, this time it's not a petition with hundreds of thousands of voter signatures being tossed out. And no, it's not quite as crazy as that ruling allowing a man to photograph up the skirts of girls at the mall. This time Oklahoma's…

You’ve Got Mail Or Taxes?

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: November 15, 1999

The first word out of your mouth when you consider the incredible promise of the Internet is probably "Wow." But the first word out of the mouths of career politicians is likely to be, "Tax. Tax now." In keeping with the usual Washington doublethink, Congress has declared a three-year moratorium…