Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Martin Luther King, Jr.

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: January 18, 2021

“Deep down in our non-violent creed is the conviction there are some things so dear, some things so precious, some things so eternally true, that they’re worth dying for. And if a man happens to be 36-years-old, as I happen to be, and some great truth stands before the door…

Inequality on the Brain

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: January 30, 2014

We’re told that “economic inequality” is on the rise . . . by the same people who took our tax dollars to bail out some folks on Wall Street and elsewhere, surely making more than minimum wage. But, once one investigates the issue beyond the buncombe level of egalitarian hysteria,…

Mann FOIA Dump

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: August 30, 2011

Michael Mann’s Last of the Mohicans was a great film. But the work of Michael Mann the climatologist? Quite another story. He’s the biggest name behind the much-disputed “hockey stick” graph of world temperatures — the “hockey stick” being the shape of the upward temperature spike in recent times. Mann…

Matt Taibbi

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: March 26, 2019

Stories have been coming out for some time now hinting Mueller’s final report might leave audiences “disappointed,” as if a President not being a foreign spy could somehow be bad news. Openly using such language has, all along, been an indictment. Imagine how tone-deaf you’d have to be to not realize it makes…

More Than Talk

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: January 15, 2001

We all read the papers. We all know how one violent offender after another, even thugs who victimize children, are getting out of jail to wreck more innocent lives. Our congressmen always say they're going to get tough on crime. The scam is that most vicious crimes are state matters,…

Zero Sense

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: February 5, 2001

A boy is suspended from a New York City high school for carrying a metal ruler . . . a ruler issued to him by the school itself. A girl is handcuffed at a Metro train station in Washington DC and led away by the police. Her crime? Eating a…

Edmond About

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: December 11, 2016

This discipline of the understanding reflects infinite credit upon the nineteenth century. If posterity does us justice, it will be grateful to us therefor. It will see that instead of cutting one another’s throats about theological questions, we have surveyed lines of railway, laid telegraphs, constructed steam-engines, launched ships, pierced…

A Cakewalk Case?

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: December 7, 2017

The Justices seem split — on the “gay cake” case. A Christian baker had no trouble selling a gay couple a pre-made cake, out of his showcase, but balked at selling a custom wedding cake of any kind. According to NPR’s Nina Totenberg, the couple understood that requesting a “gay”…

Barlett dies, Wilde released, TE Lawrence dies

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: May 19, 2012

On May 19, 1795, Josiah Bartlett, a New Hampshire Patriot and signatory of the Declaration of Independence who also served as the state's governor and Supreme Court chief justice, died. On May 19, 1897, Oscar Wilde was released from jail after two years of hard labor. In 1891, the Marquess…

Got Jobs?

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: November 2, 2011

New jobs come from entrepreneurial insight into new ways of profitably producing goods; they are paid for with investments. After a bust, old ratios of prices and wages cease to work, requiring time for entrepreneurs to refigure. But capitalism’s basic scenario — savings, investment, productivity gains, trades — still applies.…