Search Results for: Taiwan

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New Red Map

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: September 4, 2023

“China warns US Has Crossed Red Line” began Newsweek’s headline to a report that the Chinese state-run Global Times threatens a “brewing and imminent storm of lethal consequences for Taiwan” in retribution for the U.S. recently providing $80 million in military assistance to the island nation.  China claims Taiwan and…

Listen: To the People!

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: February 26, 2022

Paul Jacob is on the road, so this week he speaks from . . . the past! The year 2019, to be exact, and from Taiwan, to be geographical about it:

Here-​at-​Home Problem

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: May 10, 2023

The China problem is “not just a distant ‘over there’ problem,” Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wisc.) recently argued. “As the spy balloon incident as well as the illegal CCP police stations on American soil illustrate, it’s a ‘right here at home’ problem.” It’s also a just-north-of-us problem. Canada is currently expelling…

Two-​thousand Somethings

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: September 27, 2019

Alex Ko is “exactly the kind of person China is worried about,” informs the BBC.  Described as “soft-spoken” and “bespectacled,” the 23-year-old Ko lives in Taiwan, hundreds of ocean miles away from Hong Kong, where for months the streets have been consumed in protests demanding simple but difficult things: freedom,…

The Most Deadly Disease

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: February 17, 2020

Anyone knowledgeable about medicine — or history, for that matter — is taking very, very seriously the coronavirus outbreak in China, and its subsequent spread across the globe, including to the U.S. More than 70,000 Chinese have been diagnosed and over 1,700 have died, along with one death in each…

Look Around

Relevance: 33%      Posted on: June 5, 2023

Yesterday marked the 34th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Not in China, where the Communist Party (CCP) has always clubbed down any public remembrance of the thousands murdered on that day by the bullets from the so-called People’s Liberation Army.  While Hong Kong long witnessed massive June 4 vigils…

WHO’s Daddy

Relevance: 30%      Posted on: April 15, 2020

China and its lapdog, the World Health Organization (WHO), face increasing global anger over having initially hid the person-to-person spread of coronavirus, which has killed a staggering 126,000 people worldwide. So far. Still unrepentant, Beijing and the WHO have continued to butcher the truth — even in petty ways.  Late…

Mostly Peaceful Indo-Pacific

Relevance: 29%      Posted on: December 26, 2023

“Gentlemen may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace.” — Patrick Henry The 2023 Chicago Council Survey shows 58 percent of us view China as “a critical threat” and a “plurality of Americans (46%) say that US leaders are not paying enough attention to the issue of US competition…

Against Innovation in Ohio

Relevance: 29%      Posted on: December 27, 2013

Why so many things are made in China, or Taiwan, Singapore . . . or Mexico? I have no beef with foreign trade, mind you. Just as I don't want government to favor one business over another here in the U.S., I don't really want that to happen across borders,…