Search Results for: Taiwan

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Musk Gone Mad?

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: October 11, 2022

Elon Musk, the world’s richest person, has often been lauded in this commentary — regarding SpaceX and the growth of private space travel, and recently for providing crucial internet access through his company’s Starlink satellites first to Ukraine and now for Iranian protesters. I like that. But the Chinese Communist…

Say My Name

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: August 5, 2021

The term “Shanghaied” dates back to the 1850s, referring to Americans being kidnapped, sneaked onto ships, and transported across the Pacific Ocean, often to Shanghai, China. Doesn’t happen so much anymore. Unless you’re Taiwanese. The subject came up on a just released Common Sense podcast featuring Joseph [last name withheld…

Words Not to Use

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: August 18, 2022

“Today, I confess, I am proud — proud of my profession.” Sky News host Andrew Bolt was referencing the tough questions posed to Xiao Qian, China’s ambassador to Australia, following the ambassador’s speech last week to journalists at the nation’s Press Club.  After Xiao talked about “a possible opportunity to…

Play with Fire?

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: November 19, 2021

Weeks ago, the U.S. military confirmed that China tested a hypersonic missile last summer capable of speeding around the globe with a nuclear payload.  Top generals called it “a Sputnik moment.” Speaking of Sputnik, on Monday the Russians blew up one of their own orbiting satellites with a missile test…


Relevance: 40%      Posted on: December 31, 2019

Legislation introduced last April to allow the extradition of criminal suspects from Hong Kong to mainland China motivated millions into the streets in protests that have not yet ended . . .  . . . including a major pro-democracy rally scheduled for tomorrow in Causeway Bay. Traveling to Hong Kong…

Friends & Enemies

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: April 14, 2020

When times get tough, you learn who your friends are.  Take the United States’ relationships with Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. The island nation sports a population roughly the size of Australia’s, about 24 million; just across the Taiwan Strait, what we used to call “Red China” holds…

Watch: Freedom & the Chinazi Problem

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: June 4, 2022

Paul is on the road, so it is time to reminisce — about a previous trek of his, to Hong Kong and Taiwan.

It’s a Date

Relevance: 37%      Posted on: August 16, 2023

“Do not mess with Taiwan before 2028,” Vivek Ramaswamy instructed translators to tell Chinese ruler Xi Jinping, “before the end of my first term, okay?” Responding to a question from Hugh Hewitt on his radio program, Ramaswamy — the entrepreneur, author, and GOP presidential candidate — urged a “move from…

When the CHIPS Are Weighed Down

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: March 13, 2024

Has DEI “killed the CHIPS Act”? The CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 created a giant package of subsidies that shouldn’t exist to begin with and is made even worse by all the strings attached. The Act authorizes giving $52 billion of taxpayer money to microchip manufacturers to make chips…