Search Results for: Eyman

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The Press v. The People

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: August 24, 2019

Paul Jacob's recap of the week begins with a tale of press bias, insider powerlust, taxation, and . . . Tim Eyman. This Week in Common Sense, Part One: August 23, 2019.

Today’s Trifecta

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: November 5, 2019

Three measures on ballots today are particularly worth watching. Two issues in Washington State represent the only citizen-initiated measures out of 32 propositions voters will see in eight states: Washington Referendum 88 allows voters to re-decide the issue of racial and gender preferences, so-called “affirmative action,” while Washington Initiative 976…

The Fraud Fraud

Relevance: 33%      Posted on: January 28, 2008

Seems every November in Washington state, Tim Eyman of the aptly named Voters Want More Choices has an initiative on the ballot that’s dramatically outspent by the powerful interests who dominate the state’s legislature. And yet his initiative still wins. In recent years, each January, as the legislature convenes, here…

Who Should Steer the Bus?

Relevance: 33%      Posted on: July 11, 2011

Metropolitan mass transit systems run buses and light rail trains. There’s not much evidence they do it well. But boy, do they know how to spend money! Now that the economy has hit the skids, tax revenues are down and metro boards across the country are hurting for money. King…

The Citizen’s Stop Sign

Relevance: 31%      Posted on: November 29, 2010

What an election year. It’s not just the drubbing dealt to many statist incumbents that warrants a little triumphalism. We can also cheer about ballot measures whose passage means the defeat of very specific attacks on the citizenry. Several local referendums targeted all those ticket-triggering red-light cameras that have been…

Greenlighting Red Light Cameras?

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: February 8, 2011

Politicians seem to love what are called “red light cameras” — cameras that take pictures of cars that run red lights. And then ticket the registered owners. Citizens? Not so much. I’ve reported how Tim Eyman — an activist who usually sets his sights on tax increases — orchestrated a…


Relevance: 25%      Posted on: November 5, 2015

While the Ohio measure to legalize marijuana did not pass, this week, the Washington State measure to wrest tax limitations out of a recalcitrant legislature did indeed succeed, with a 54 percent win. Win some, lose some. But in both these cases, there is some evidence for a general smartening…

Running Democracy’s Red Light

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: March 15, 2012

In the traffic snarl of political ideas, the liberating concept behind America seems as straightforward as the freeway: The people are the boss, with rights above government, and “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” The people…

Document: Eyman’s Email

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: December 19, 2016

retrieved & archived 12/17/2017 We’re Fighting for Taxpayers! Over $35.85 billion in tax savings so far We’re fighting for taxpayers! AMAZING COMPARISON: 5 sessions with the 2/3-for-taxes rule, 5 sessions w/out Without the 2/3 rule, we're getting taxed to the max. It's an amazing real-world comparison that's easily quantifiable. In 2007, the…

2012’s Top Ten Ballot Measures

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: September 12, 2012

It’s the silly season in politics, that special time when politicians pretend they like us better than the special interests that fund their campaigns. They bombard us with bold and expansive promises of their incredible abilities; they pledge their future fidelity to principle. From bitter experience, oft repeated, we know…