Search Results for: irs targeting

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Dutch Treat

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: January 22, 2018

Rotterdam police are gearing up for a new crime reduction scheme. “They’ll soon begin a pilot program targeting young men in designer clothes that the police believe they couldn’t afford legally,” reports Quartz. “If it’s not clear how the person paid for the clothing, the police may confiscate it.” A…

Too Much – Part 2

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: July 15, 2016

Yesterday, we discovered that modern America asks police to do “too much.” Which prompts the next question: What should police stop doing? Here are two immediate reforms where police can do less, while protecting the public more:      (1) End the War on Drugs. Preventing violence and fraud is…

Hidden Dissuader

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: August 30, 2021

“It’s one thing to let people post UFO content about crop circles in Arkansas,” Ciaran O’Connor was quoted in a recent Washington Post article, talking about YouTube competitor Rumble. “It’s another to allow your platform to be used by someone claiming vaccines are actively harmful and that people should not…

Whitey Need Not Apply

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: March 29, 2021

“Oakland to give low-income residents $500 a month,” reads the headline, “no strings attached.” Well, actually there may be just a little itty bitty filament attached to what CBS News calls “the latest experiment with a ‘guaranteed income,’ the idea that giving low-income individuals a regular, monthly stipend helps ease…

Townhall: Nannies with badges and guns

Relevance: 14%      Posted on: June 10, 2012

The enemies of freedom usually pretend to be engaging in their outrageous and over-bearing coercion "for the people's sake." Don't believe them. See Sunday's column at Townhall — and then come back here for links and hints on further reading. The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair — free from Project Gutenberg Dracula, by…

Overly Broad Stonewalling

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: September 7, 2023

How specific do requests for records of unconstitutional activity have to be? In February, the Federal Bureau of Investigation pretended an inability to fulfill America First Legal Foundation’s freedom-of-information request for documents about the FBI’s pre-election efforts to censor Twitter users. The agency declared the request to be “overly broad.”…

The Owners of Twitter Have Rights

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: November 7, 2017

Roger Stone is suing Twitter for kicking him out. Without saying exactly why they booted him, Twitter implies that the reason is abusive language. For his part, Stone accuses the social media giant of targeting right-wing tweeters while letting left-wing tweeters off the hook for the same or worse alleged…

Are 1,000 Pages Enough?

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: November 9, 2022

The GOP has just issued a 1,000-page report about corruption in the Department of Justice and its Federal Bureau of Investigation. Based largely on the disclosures of 14 whistleblowers, plus what’s in plain sight — what we’ve all been able to see for ourselves over the last several years —…

Titanic Hits Ice Cream

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: September 8, 2020

A recent email from Amy White of — an activist outfit that got its start defending Bill Clinton’s sexual indiscretions — theorized that, this election, “the GOP strategy to win is to use their billionaire donors to flood battleground states with fearmongering, racist ads. . . .” The snuck-in assumption that Democrats…

ICE De-​Taloned

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: March 1, 2021

Occasionally, an outlier appears in politics, someone who follows through on campaign promises. Many people say that Donald Trump was one of those outliers, being someone who actually delivered to his voters the most conservative administration of our lifetimes. I have heard precisely the opposite, too. But that is not…