Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Justice Louis Brandeis, dissenting opinion in Olmstead v. United States (1928)

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: January 2, 2012

“Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government’s purposes are beneficent.  Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers.  The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but…

There They Go, Again

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: June 10, 2014

Seventy years ago, no one stormed Normandy beach to give one man the power to imprison or to execute anyone he or she decides is an enemy of the state. Freedom cannot survive in a society where the leaders — those wielding the power of the state — are not…

What Does Snowden Deserve?

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: June 20, 2018

Who is Ed Snowden? And what does he deserve? On May 20, 2013, 29-year-old security specialist Edward Snowden flew to Hong Kong after leaving his job at an NSA facility in Hawaii; in early June he revealed thousands of classified NSA documents to journalists Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Ewen…

Capturing Christmas

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: December 23, 2016

The festival of Hanukkah begins tomorrow at sundown; Christmas is on Sunday. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, a time to spend with family and friends, to appreciate what’s most important in life. And maybe even to forget about politics for a bit. But remember one political or…

Big Guy, Little Guy

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: May 8, 2023

“Prosecutors are nearing a decision on whether to charge President Biden’s son Hunter with tax- and gun-related violations,” The Washington Post reports.  Last October, the paper disclosed that, after a four-year investigation, federal agents had “gathered what they believe is sufficient evidence to charge him.” Hunter Biden’s failure to honestly…

Make Sense, Not Ululations

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: September 11, 2018

Paul Jacob Once upon a time, Corey Anthony Booker seemed like “a statesman.” As mayor of Newark, New Jersey, he talked to everybody, made deals, comported himself with dignity. He stood out from the pack; he was seen as an up-and-comer. Yet move him to the Senate and place him…

Back to work

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: January 3, 2015

Sometimes we feel bad after an election because we’ve lost. Other times, we feel bad even when we’ve won. Today is one of those other times. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suicidal. There are college football bowl games later this month, after all. But now is about the point…

Giving Violence a Chance

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: October 16, 2018

Paul Jacob Violence against anti-abortion activists appears to be on the rise. A generation ago, the left made important gains by showing “the violence of the right” in a few much-reported cases. It was bombings and arson that made the news in the 1980s (against abortion clinics, mainly) and murders…

Oh, Brother

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: December 9, 2014

Cain was a witty fellow. He asked one of the best-known rhetorical questions, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Of course he was not. But that was irrelevant. He was covering up something. About what he had done to his brother. So, when I hear the phrase “my brother’s keeper,” I…

A Hole in the Bottom of the KFC

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: September 8, 2018

Paul Jacob In the fourth season of Showtime’s Weeds, drug smugglers use a tunnel connecting border towns in California and Mexico, with the American side of the tunnel opening up under a maternity shop.  Yet when a drug-smuggling tunnel was found, last month, connecting a defunct Arizona KFC to a…