Search Results for: Drew Edmondson

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The Ayatollah for Governor?

Relevance: 67%      Posted on: October 29, 2018

Former Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson is running for governor. Again. You may recall, as I certainly do, that Mr. Edmondson prosecuted — more like persecuted — me and two others involved in a 2005 petition drive. He charged us with “conspiracy to defraud the state,” a felony carrying a…

Drew Carey

Relevance: 65%      Posted on: May 20, 2015

“It should be up to each bar owner and patron to decide if they want to smoke or not.” Drew Carey served as initial video host of ReasonTV, helping debut the online freedom-oriented service in 2007.

Wheels of Injustice

Relevance: 61%      Posted on: December 4, 2008

The wheels of injustice creak along slowly. Indicted in October last year, the Oklahoma Three — Rick Carpenter, Susan Johnson, and I — have still not had a full preliminary hearing. That first step has now been pushed back to next February. Our alleged crime? Oklahoma’s Attorney General, Drew Edmondson,…

The Untold Story of the Oklahoma Three

Relevance: 57%      Posted on: May 1, 2009

Receiving an award is a lot nicer than ten years in prison. As regular listeners know, Rick Carpenter, Susan Johnson, and I were indicted by Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson on trumped-up, politically-motivated charges stemming from a petition drive to cap state government spending. For almost two years this indictment…

The Oklahoma Three, Free at Last

Relevance: 49%      Posted on: January 26, 2009

It seemed hardly necessary. The handcuffs and leg-irons, I mean. I wasn’t a threat to anybody. Neither were Rick Carpenter and Susan Johnson. We had been charged with “conspiracy to defraud the state of Oklahoma” for our work to put a spending cap on the ballot. The metal constraints were…

Petitioners May Petition

Relevance: 48%      Posted on: July 8, 2008

A leading indicator of a free nation? The lack of political prisoners. We Americans are aghast when we learn of dissenters jailed in other countries. But, even in America, politicians in various states seek to put people in jail for engaging in legitimate (if dissenting) political activism. I am one…

The Year of Reform?

Relevance: 48%      Posted on: February 18, 2009

This year has brought good news for freedom and democracy in Oklahoma. Last month, the state’s attorney general, Drew Edmondson, dropped his appeal of a federal court decision, which had overturned part of Oklahoma’s petition law. The AG also dismissed all charges against the Oklahoma Three — Rick Carpenter, Susan…

Battle of the Corrupt States

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: January 5, 2009

The name. The hair. The gall. Illinois Governor Rod Blogojevich is getting lots of attention. However, the governor’s favor-trading is unique only in blatancy. The longer politicians hold power, the more readily they regard pay-to-play corruption as acceptable, profitable. Which is one reason I advocate initiative rights, term limits, mandatory…

Change, Sweeping Down the Plains

Relevance: 45%      Posted on: May 19, 2009

Change is funny. Sometimes it seems like change will never come. Then, all of the sudden, it’s here. For years, I’ve been hoping for some changes in Oklahoma politics. That’s because the state’s voter initiative process was blocked. It’s also because, as regular readers know, the state’s Attorney General Drew…

Activist Drew Carey

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: February 20, 2008

My new favorite comedian is Drew Carey. Not that Carey is funnier than, say, Don Knotts . . . or explanations of the national debt. I just like what Carey’s doing lately — helping turn local stories about political lunacy into national stories. Carey is working with, spinoff of…