Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Not Robbed Until Proven Guilty

Relevance: 100%      Posted on: October 28, 2009

You are “innocent until proven guilty” in America, with one big exception: Under civil forfeiture laws, police don’t have to prove that a crime has actually been committed in order to seize your property. And once your boat or car is stolen by your government, the burden falls to you…

Designing a Cartel

Relevance: 80%      Posted on: October 14, 2008

Interior design: Most homeowners wing it, but a few call in the professionals. Regulation of interior design: Most states just let our nation’s Graces freely contract with willing Wills. But a significant number of states, including Oklahoma and Connecticut, regulate these designing women and men. Why? Have you heard a…


Relevance: 75%      Posted on: August 26, 2022

Q. What is that fundamental principle?A. It is justice, which alone comprises all the virtues of society.Q. Why do you say that justice is the fundamental and almost only virtue of society?A. Because it alone embraces the practice of all the actions useful to it; and because all the other…

A Cry for Justice

Relevance: 74%      Posted on: January 13, 2014

Is taking bread from the mouths of those who labor to feed the appetites of able-bodied adults who decline to work your idea of economic justice? Or of injustice? A recent Cato Institute study by Michael Tanner and Charles Hughes found that welfare benefits exceed the minimum wage for workers…

The War Against Cash Carriers

Relevance: 71%      Posted on: June 6, 2022

Michigan’s lawmakers and governor seem determined to remind us that history is no nonstop march into the light. In the Great Lake State, the latest confirmation is a return to virtually unrestricted legalized cash-grabbing at the airport, reversing halfhearted reforms of several years earlier. After those reforms were enacted, a…

Half-​Win for Forfeiture Victim

Relevance: 71%      Posted on: April 4, 2023

In August 2020, Jerry Johnson made a mistake: he carried a large sum of money while flying from Charlotte to Phoenix to buy a semi truck for his business. Police grabbed the cash when he arrived in Phoenix. Mr. Johnson had decided to use cash to avoid certain fees and…

Farm at Your Own Risk

Relevance: 71%      Posted on: July 14, 2010

Some of the most vicious threats to individual rights and liberty occur not on the federal but on the local level. Clint Bolick, an attorney who has combated many local governmental assaults on citizens around the country, once wrote a book to make the point entitled Leviathan: The Growth of…

The Surrender-​in-​Advance Strategy

Relevance: 70%      Posted on: August 22, 2008

How does the marketplace of ideas — and how do people who generally support free speech — react to the advancement of free-market ideas? Well, the new Milton Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago has sure kicked up a fuss. That is, a whole bunch of anti-free-marketers have kicked…

Thwarting Cops Who Are Robbers

Relevance: 69%      Posted on: February 19, 2018

“Carrying cash is not a crime,” Institute for Justice attorney Dan Alban informs us, “yet too often the government treats it like one.” Musician Phil Parhamovich learned that the hard way. He was porting his life savings, almost $92,000 — earmarked for a down payment on a recording studio —…

Greed & the Innocent Owners

Relevance: 65%      Posted on: November 2, 2023

“We know there are abuses of the forfeiture system,” Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor declares. “We know it because it’s been documented throughout the country repeatedly.” Civil asset forfeiture is a crime — if a legal one. I’ve devoted numerous columns to it, here, these past few decades. Interestingly, there’s…