Search Results for: irs targeting

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End the IRS?

Relevance: 100%      Posted on: June 4, 2013

Every day: more revelations, more questions. Was the IRS’s repressive targeting of Tea Party and similar groups seeking tax-exempt status “accidental”? Were only a few rogue or harried clerks responsible for the repressive targeting? Did anybody in the White House know about the repressive targeting as it happened? What does…

IRS’s Targeting Was Targeting

Relevance: 97%      Posted on: July 22, 2013

The more we learn about the latest IRS scandal, the harder it is to evade what it is all about: the systematic thwarting— for years on end — of legitimate applications for tax-exempt status submitted by Tea Party and other conservative groups. It’s getting pretty thick and deep in the…

Keep Targeting the IRS

Relevance: 94%      Posted on: November 13, 2014

We’re still unraveling the IRS’s prolific crimes. I mean, those pertaining to its ideological targeting of conservative applicants for non-profit status. I’m satisfied that the various individuals and organizations suing the IRS or publishing commentaries on this still-unfolding scandal (Day 552 now) will keep on keepin’ on. I’m a little…

IRS Case Closed! The End! Letsmoveon!

Relevance: 88%      Posted on: June 13, 2013

Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings says it’s time to stop investigating the latest IRS shenanigans. According to him, closed-door interviews with IRS staffers prove that no White House or other Washington officials were involved in targeting the applications for tax-exempt status of conservative groups for special obstructionist attention. Whew! Crisis over.…

Townhall: Obama Promises Accountability, Stop Laughing

Relevance: 87%      Posted on: February 8, 2014

Over at Townhall this weekend, the subject is one we have tracked closely here at Common Sense. The IRS appears to have been captured by the Democratic Party, and now serves not the citizenry but that wing of government. Click on over, but come back here for source material. And…

IRS No Friend of Friends of Abe

Relevance: 83%      Posted on: March 26, 2014

In the better-late-than-never department, the Internal Revenue Service has granted tax-exempt status to Friends of Abe. Variety magazine calls the group “Hollywood’s largest fellowship of conservative and right-of-center independents” in an industry known for tilting 320 degrees or so to the left. The status comes three years after the Friends…

Townhall: The Scandal That Must Not Be Named

Relevance: 81%      Posted on: December 24, 2017

We have the names of the bureaucrats responsible. But the scandal? Don't call it that! (Says the insider press.) Click over to Townhall for the precise words to describe this sad recent history. If you return here you can read more on the subject: Washington Post: Fallout from allegations of…

Scandal Not Going Away

Relevance: 79%      Posted on: November 22, 2013

We’re past Day 195 of the IRS scandal. I mean the one about how IRS agents processing applications for tax-exempt status gave an especially hard time to Tea Party and similar groups, asking endless intrusive questions and delaying legitimate tax-exempt status for years or never granting it at all. The…

Assault on Political Speech, Deferred

Relevance: 79%      Posted on: May 28, 2014

It’s like jumping from ice floe to ice floe while being shot at. Great if you can reach the next slab of ice while the shooters pause to reload. But then what? Having been caught targeting right-leaning applicants for tax-exempt status, the IRS decided to clear up the “ambiguity” in…

Townhall: ‘Inappropriate’ Rights Violations in Obama’s ‘Democracy’

Relevance: 77%      Posted on: May 12, 2013

This weekend's Common Sense column over at is about those awful Nixonian reactionaries who use government to suppress opposition and help establish fascist right-wing government here in America. Oops. No, it isn't. It's about those awful Obamanian “progressives” using government to suppress opposition and help establish etc. etc. Click…