Search Results for: Uighurs

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Thriving Totalitarianism

Relevance: 100%      Posted on: October 12, 2019

After the basketball brouhaha of the past week between China and the NBA, these four videos provide a peek of the way Big Brother Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party play their brand of high tech totalitarian game against Hongkongers, Uighurs, 1.3 billion citizens, etc.

Feckless Endangerment

Relevance: 81%      Posted on: December 15, 2021

The Biden administration sure knows how to look feckless when it comes to standing up to China. The administration has decided that the best way to protest Chinazi aggression against Hong Kong democracy and freedom — and against the lives and freedom of millions of Uyghurs — is to announce…

Should Oppressors Host the Olympics?

Relevance: 80%      Posted on: February 16, 2021

China is scheduled to host the Winter Olympics in 2022. Should it be allowed to? If allowed, should anybody go? Cato scholar Ilya Somin argues, at Reason, for at least boycotting the event. Why? To respond to the Chinese government’s “many egregious atrocities, including its detention of hundreds of thousands…

Disney’s Mickey Mouse Boycott Policies

Relevance: 78%      Posted on: September 10, 2020

The state of Georgia and the country of China differ. The policies of one are much worse than those of the other. Thus, the Walt Disney Company seriously mulled refusing to do business in Georgia but was eager to film in China, near internment camps used to imprison Uyghur Muslims.…

Good Relations with Genocide?

Relevance: 74%      Posted on: November 24, 2020

“Beijing is trying to convince the incoming Biden administration that the U.S.-China relationship can be smooth and positive,” writes Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin, “but only if Washington dumps the Trump administration’s policies, ignores China’s worst behaviors and pretends everything is fine.” It is more than a little scary because…

Play with Fire?

Relevance: 72%      Posted on: November 19, 2021

Weeks ago, the U.S. military confirmed that China tested a hypersonic missile last summer capable of speeding around the globe with a nuclear payload.  Top generals called it “a Sputnik moment.” Speaking of Sputnik, on Monday the Russians blew up one of their own orbiting satellites with a missile test…

Xinjiang’s Hacked Police Files

Relevance: 71%      Posted on: May 27, 2022

The Chinese government’s internment, rape, torture, and murder of Uyghurs and other minorities in Xinjiang “reeducation” camps, supposedly to prevent terrorism, has long been confirmed by the testimony of many of the victims. No honest person could deny the evidence. Nevertheless, there are denials.  In February 2021, Chinese Foreign Minister…

Say My Name

Relevance: 67%      Posted on: August 5, 2021

The term “Shanghaied” dates back to the 1850s, referring to Americans being kidnapped, sneaked onto ships, and transported across the Pacific Ocean, often to Shanghai, China. Doesn’t happen so much anymore. Unless you’re Taiwanese. The subject came up on a just released Common Sense podcast featuring Joseph [last name withheld…

Disgraced, Enraged, Belligerent

Relevance: 66%      Posted on: May 28, 2020

“Over the course of April and throughout May,” writes Timothy McLaughlin in The Atlantic, “Beijing was undertaking aggressive actions across Asia.” These include: The ramming — and sinking — of a Vietnamese vessel in the South China Sea.Intrusive surveying by a Chinese research vessel (plus coast-guard and other ships) near…

Tough Time for Tyrants

Relevance: 62%      Posted on: January 10, 2020

How much longer does the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have to put up with freedom-loving loudmouths? Thoughtful Party rulers can’t even entertain their subjects with NBA basketball or English Premier League soccer without fear that Chinese fans will then discover the tweet of some busybody droning on against Chinese repression…