Search Results for: California

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California Politicians Dreaming

Relevance: 69%      Posted on: July 23, 2001

Well, I just got back from California and I can report that it is a real, true fact: The career politicians there really do not like term limits. A recent battle in the California legislature was most revealing on this point. It had to do with whether banks and other…

California Crackdowns

Relevance: 69%      Posted on: September 25, 2009

A government agency practicing extortion . . . who’d’a thunk it? In 1987, the California Coastal Commission lost a Supreme Court case about its attempt to demand beach access from property owners in exchange for building permits. One justice said it was practicing extortion. Nevertheless, the agency still dictates what…

Democracy by Tortoise

Relevance: 68%      Posted on: November 15, 2022

It may take three weeks! The counting of ballots for 2022’s General Election was pretty much wrapped up on election night. In most states. Yet, a week after election day, California election officials have barely counted half the ballots cast in a number of very close congressional districts as well…

Prop 13 Declared Innocent

Relevance: 68%      Posted on: June 11, 2009

You hear it all the time: California’s in such a mess “because of Proposition 13.” You probably wonder how that initiative, passed way back in the ‘70s, could be so key. Well, it was the first of a long line of voter-instigated tax limitation measures, and it made politicians ache…

A Different Drum

Relevance: 68%      Posted on: May 6, 2009

Kent Drum and I step to the beat of different drummers. At Mother Jones, Mr. Drum decried California’s upcoming May 19th special election, writing, “I loathe the ballot initiative.” Me? I love the ballot initiative. Drum is complaining about California’s upcoming vote on Propositions 1A through 1F. For the record,…

Excise Excitement Exorcizes E-Biz

Relevance: 67%      Posted on: September 20, 2011

Retail sales taxation became vogue among the states of the union during the Great Depression. When other revenue sources dried up, many states decided to nab potential taxpayers at each transaction. We’re in a depression again, and numerous legislatures are looking to expand their retail sales tax base by targeting…

The Ultimate Legislature

Relevance: 67%      Posted on: September 7, 2021

Proposition 22 was supported by 59 percent of California voters last November. The statutory initiative partly reverses the destructive effects of AB5, a law that forced many California gig workers or freelancers to be treated as regular employees who must receive benefits — whether these gig workers like it or not.   One notices…

Pension Reforms Un-Ravel?

Relevance: 67%      Posted on: September 29, 2011

Jerry Brown has done some good work as California’s governor. When he promised to take on the common practice of pension double-dipping, he spotted a problem and appeared to be on the right track. But if you want to hire well-connected, experienced and (therefore, or presumably, competent) civil servants to…

How Not to Fix a Failed State

Relevance: 67%      Posted on: July 29, 2011

“As long as unions and business buy our politicians and take every advantage for themselves . . .” writes Ron Kaye at Fox and Hounds Daily, “California will keep declining.” Mr. Kaye notes a rare agreement between business and union lobbies, which have united “to pour millions into a ballot…

Four of Five Doctors Disagree

Relevance: 67%      Posted on: April 22, 2022

“Thank goodness I don’t live in X,” we may say as we follow the news. Billions live in Russia, Ukraine, China, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Cuba, New York, Chicago, Seattle, California, Canada, and other statist hellholes. The rest of us live elsewhere. Perhaps we congratulate ourselves on our wise choices…