Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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The Middle of the Beginning of the End

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: October 12, 2022

President Biden’s decision to pardon everyone federally convicted for a simple marijuana possession is not the true beginning of the end of the federal war on drug-taking people. In 2018, the federal government legalized certain products with cannabinoids derived from hemp. That’s something, even if the feds still ban buying…

We, the Riffraff

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: January 27, 2020

Suppose I disagree with you — say, on whether I have the right to bear arms. I favor, you oppose. (We’re just supposing here.) In the heat of online argument, I call you a scoundrel or other unkind things. I am intemperate but avoid libel or threats. Should I be…

Make Journalism Illegal?

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: May 10, 2021

Journalist Tom Lemons may be jailed up to twenty years for investigating the Dawn Center, a shelter for victims of domestic violence in Hernando County, Florida. Lemons talked to former employees and to women who sought help there. He learned about theft of donations, filthy conditions, and a chronically lawless…

Second Continental Congress

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: July 4, 2017

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America (opening): When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to…

Following My Conscience

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: December 6, 2011

In 1984, twenty-seven years ago this very day, three FBI agents pushed their way into my North Little Rock, Arkansas, home and placed me under arrest. My crime? Violating the Military Selective Service Act — that is, absolutely, positively, publicly refusing to register for the military draft. (I’d have resisted…

Georgia on My Mind

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: November 16, 2020

Georgia, oh GeorgiaNo, no, no, no, no peace I find . . . So opens James Brown’s famous song — also an iconic hit for Ray Charles.* As the rest of the country quiets down, post-election, that crooned-about lack of peace continues to echo in the Peach State as if…

Ballots & Books

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: May 17, 2017

The people of Roseburg, Oregon, aren’t paying enough in taxes. That’s the upshot of Kirk Johnson’s recent New York Times article, “Where Anti-Tax Fervor Means ‘All Services Will Cease.’” “For generations in America,” readers are informed, “small cities . . . declared their optimism and civic purpose with grand libraries…

Five-​Alarm Foolishness

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: January 11, 2019

Will President Trump declare a “national emergency”? Is he that desperate to get the funds needed to build a wall (or steel-slate fence or barrier of some sort) on the U.S. border with Mexico? It looks increasingly likely, but who knows . . .  What I do know is how…

Misleading Metric

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: March 29, 2016

Yesterday’s Washington Post clarified how the “gender pay gap” is calculated: This metric does not take into account the different types of jobs, varying levels of experience and education, or women who lose seniority and promotion opportunities when they leave the workforce temporarily to care for children, which they do…

Democratic-​Republican Day

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: February 27, 2019

“We live in a republic,” I often hear, “not a democracy!” Sometimes it seems like we live in neither. Today is the first National Term Limits Day. Its proponents aim to style February 27th as an annual event.  It’s a new thing.  But term limits themselves are not new. For…