Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Rauner on a Roll

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: May 19, 2015

Last week I came not to bury a newly elected chief executive but to praise him — for not merely paying lip service to term limits, but for in fact making the passage of state legislative term limits a high-priority, line-in-the-sand policy goal. I refer, of course, to Illinois’s new…

How to Ruin a Thoroughfare

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: August 15, 2017

Cities require some planning. But the further beyond a certain minimum, the greater the ease with which a central planning authority can be captured — by zealots with more stars in their eyes than brains in their heads. Portland, Oregon, is a case in point. Students from Portland State University…

‘Ideological Prejudices’

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: July 7, 2022

“‘One country two systems’ has been tested and proved time and again,” Chinese ruler Xi Jinping told his hand-picked Hong Kong audience last week, “and there is no reason to change such a good system.” Twenty-five years into that “good system” — created when the United Kingdom signed it over…

A More Perfect Turkey

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: October 30, 2015

Let’s talk Turkey. Not the bird, the country. America has fallen behind in yet another category: preposterous promises by politicians. It’s becoming clear that Bernie Sanders, Vermont’s independent “democratic socialist” U.S. Senator and now Democratic Party presidential contender, is a piker, a penny pincher, a cheapskate, a tightwad, a Scrooge.…

Are You My Father, Mr. Corporation?

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: March 12, 2014

Van Jones, the president’s controversial former green jobs czar, who once proclaimed himself a “communist,” must have been struck by lightning last week en route to taping ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” How else to explain Jones’s strange embrace of corporate personhood? Discussing President Obama’s new “My Brother’s Keeper”…

Caveat Preemptive

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: February 21, 2024

Were Donald J. Trump an exemplar of strict Kantian honesty; had he a reputation for exactitude about his achievements and acumen; if hyperbole had not become his own very public modus — then, and only then, would the near half a billion judgment against him make even a modicum of…

Court Halts Imprisonment for Speech

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: December 8, 2023

Left-wing enemies of right-wing freedom of speech, specifically the freedom of speech of Douglass Mackey, recently got their way when U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly sentenced him to seven months in prison. But now, a month after sentencing, another court has said wait a minute. As I reported in October,…

Brilliant Billionaire Buffoon

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: January 31, 2023

“[China’s] portion of the global economy and their portion of the global population match exactly,” Bill Gates informed his audience at Australia’s Lowy Institute. “Countries like Australia, U.S., we have per capita GDPs five times what the Chinese have, so we have a disproportionate share of the world's economy.” Funny…

Corruption Beyond Imagination

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: February 15, 2018

“Two Baltimore detectives were convicted Monday of robbery and racketeering,” the Washington Post reported, “in a trial that laid bare shocking crimes committed by an elite police unit and surfaced new allegations of widespread corruption in the city’s police department.” Assistant U.S. Attorney Leo Wise presented the jury with “things…

A Practical Vote Against Racism

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: August 30, 2016

“Marijuana is only legal for white people, in California,” explains Lynne Lyman of the Drug Policy Alliance. Talking with Zach Weissmueller, on, she clarifies the situation regarding California’s currently legal medical marijuana, and why Prop. 64, a ballot measure sponsored by Californians for Responsible Marijuana Reform, is so necessary.…