Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Hong Kong Help

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: December 16, 2022

“What can we do to help?” the woman asked after seeing the Acton Institute’s new documentary, “The Hong Konger.” The film tells the life of billionaire Jimmy Lai, the owner of Apple Daily, the pro-democracy newspaper shut down by the Beijing-controlled Hong Kong government.  Lai went from rags to riches…

Police Incentives Matter

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: June 11, 2020

“For every bullet the German police fired on duty in 2016, American police killed 10 people,” writes Jason Brennan for MarketWatch. “Even overwhelmingly white states like Wyoming and Montana imprison citizens at higher rates than authoritarian Cuba.” What is going on here? And by here I mean “these United States…

A Birthday Present for the Deep State

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: June 20, 2018

Paul Jacob Is the enemy of your enemy your friend? President Donald J. Trump, meet fugitive Edward J. Snowden.  Mr. Snowden, famous for divulging the NSA’s illegal domestic spying operations and other secrets to The Washington Post and to Glenn Greenwald with the Guardian in London, is clearly the enemy…

The Great American Gun Frenzy

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: January 17, 2013

A disturbed young man murders his mother, goes to the local elementary school and murders a score of young children, a few teachers, the principal as well as the school psychologist, and then turns a gun on himself, committing suicide. Not long after, one of the rifles said to have…

A Fully Baked Defense

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: October 18, 2022

Having your say can have an important impact even if you don’t know about it. Sometimes the people on the front lines are paying surprisingly close attention to what you say. William Jacobson of the Legal Insurrection blog has learned how important his posts and the comments of readers have…


Relevance: 15%      Posted on: November 8, 2017

“All animals are equal,” wrote George Orwell, “but some animals are more equal than others.” That was the regime’s final slogan in Orwell’s allegorical novella, Animal Farm . . . and it currently serves as the operating principle for local government. Well, at least in Washington, D.C., our country’s pig trough. Washington Post…

Townhall: The Redcoats Opt for Independence

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: June 26, 2016

Ah, how Britain’s Brexit vote surprised the world's leaders and elites! If for no other reason than to see them squirm, there is something in the LEAVE [the EU] vote to glory in. But it’s more important than that. Click on over to Townhall for this weekend’s Common Sense column.…

Partisan Police State Tactics

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: October 19, 2022

We must take the initiative to change things if we don’t like the way things are. If you’re a congressman, this means — sometimes, at least — investigating horrific conduct. The September 23rd raid of anti-abortion activist Mark Houck’s home should evoke bipartisan dismay. But only Republicans seem to be…

The “Barbaric” Visigoths

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: May 1, 2012

Thanks to the September 11, 2001, atrocities, some Americans began to accept a practice previously considered barbaric; thanks to John Yoo and the Bush administration, that practice became something American military and “intelligence” organizations did. Torture. The moral aspects of the issue convince me that good people do not use…

Slackers, Unite!

Relevance: 15%      Posted on: August 25, 2021

International socialists may once have rallied around “workers, unite!” but today’s young “communists” are embracing a Non-Workers movement, demanding free stuff and/or a Universal Basic Income (UBI).  This came to mind reading a recent New York Times’s op-ed, “Work Is a False Idol,” and an earlier report, “These Chinese Millennials…