Search Results for: irs targeting

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Townhall: A Perfect Storm of Wrongs, Righted

Relevance: 30%      Posted on: July 19, 2015

New development in Wisconsin’s John Doe probes. Click on over to Townhall, then come back here for background: “Wisconsin’s Secret War” RightWisconsin: “Winners Now That the John Doe is Over” Wall Street Journal: “Wisconsin’s Friend at the IRS” Urban Milwaukee: “The Wrath of Eric O’Keefe” Townhall: “Who is Eric…

Regulating Protest

Relevance: 29%      Posted on: May 28, 2013

How did our founders manage to establish a republic committed to free speech and the rights of the individual without a Federal Election Commission? Not only did the Sons of Liberty and other patriots lack a functioning FEC to protect them from “big-money interests,” many of the political communications of…

Too Respectful of Congress?

Relevance: 29%      Posted on: June 27, 2013

In disagreements between individuals and the IRS, I tend to side with individuals against the IRS. So Wednesday’s Supreme Court ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act seems about right, on the face of it. Yes, the judicial review and nixing of DOMA regarded a tax case. The state of…

Townhall: Targeting Self-Defense

Relevance: 29%      Posted on: March 16, 2014

The foundation of a free society? The rights of the people in that society. Chiefest of these? The right to self-defense. And that's under attack these days. For the latest example, check out the column this weekend at Townhall. And then come back here, for more reading. TheDC interviews Jordan…

Precedented Payments

Relevance: 28%      Posted on: June 26, 2020

I idly wonder who cooks up the initialisms for the big federal legislative packages (“laws”) — you know, like the recent “CARES Act” that distributed $2.3 trillion conjured out of thin air . . . and the faith and credit of a wobbly reputation. CARES stands for “Coronavirus Aid, Relief,…

How Insidious the Plot?

Relevance: 27%      Posted on: October 6, 2016

The story of the Wisconsin John Doe raids against conservatives, covered yesterday and the day before, is a big one. Huge. So I now continue. The rest of the story? Recently, materials that police seized from the subjects of those dawn raids were leaked, illegally, to the Guardian newspaper —…

The Enemies List(s)

Relevance: 27%      Posted on: May 20, 2013

It’s no surprise to long-time observers of the Obama administration, the Internal Revenue Service, or government in general that the IRS has targeted non-lefty groups for reasons the agency laughably contends are non-ideological. The current brouhaha is only part of the story. Here’s another part. Frank VanderSloot is a businessman…

Townhall: Trickle-​Down Tyranny

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: March 8, 2015

Freedom is under assault, under siege. It's not just from terrorists. It's from the people we've assigned to protect our freedoms. And, worse yet, the tyranny comes not just from the Big Guys in the nation's imperial capital. Our local governments have picked up the tyranny bug. Welcome to Kafka's…

I Gave at the IRS

Relevance: 26%      Posted on: October 14, 2011

A friend of mine shared something Desire Street Ministries had posted to Facebook: We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of…

Debate Versus Intimidate

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: January 10, 2014

Political donors often prefer to remain anonymous. It’s not just shyness. Anonymity can protect you from unscrupulous political opponents. The higher your profile — especially if you’re persuasive, or your story contradicts some treasured “narrative” — the higher your risk may be. At, Mike Flynn writes that “non-disclosure of…