Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Bills of Suppression

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: May 17, 2024

Paul Jacob on revived legislation ostensibly “for” the people but actually targeting our political speech.

COVID Cover-​Up Criminal

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: January 14, 2022

On February 11, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci participated in a conference call with about a dozen scientists. The nation’s highest paid government bureaucrat was told that the quickly spreading COVID might have leaked from and even been created in the Wuhan lab, which the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious…

No Right to Defend Your Rights

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: June 28, 2013

You have no right as a voter to defend your interests as a voter. Not in federal court. So decides the Supreme Court in Hollingsworth v. Perry, a case about a controversial California ballot question. The court ruled 5-4 that petitioners “lack standing.” Their interest wasn’t “particularized” enough. Passed in…

Stop Digging

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: December 3, 2013

If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. When it comes to pension systems, the State of Illinois appears shovel in hand, digging to the bottom. The state’s five public employee retirement systems face a combined unfunded liability of $100 billion dollars; they have only 40 percent of what…

Doxxing Dissent

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: June 10, 2024

Paul Jacob defends the anonymous dissident.

The Natural State of Politicians

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: April 24, 2013

Republicans took over both chambers of the Arkansas Legislature, last November, and now have control for the first time since Reconstruction — that’s the century before the century before this century. Not long after their installation ceremony, the Republican majority — apparently eager to make new reforms — introduced Senate…

Townhall: The elephant, crazy like a fox?

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: May 13, 2012

Over at you can find an exploration of a familiar theme: Media bias? It is not always hidden. The media bias against balancing budgets and paying off public debt is pretty out-in-the-open, these days. The elephant, crazy like a fox? Paul Jacob • May 13, 2012 Republicans are under attack…

Stealing Now Unpopular

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: December 27, 2016

Civil asset forfeiture is stealing. So, why is it still happening? Police seize boats, cars, houses and cash that they allege were used in the commission of a crime or were proceeds from the crime. Sometimes they simply take cash found on a motorist in a normal traffic stop, claiming…

Coming to Terms with A Logical Fallacy

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: September 24, 2015

Good people can disagree about term limits. It’s not a moral issue, but about practical governance. I love term limits, while my friend Lew Rockwell, the former Ron Paul aide who started the Mises Institute and runs the popular website, isn’t a fan. In a brief post to his…