Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Eleven Fiftieths

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: May 31, 2011

Eleven states have “bottle bills,” legislation requiring vendors to collect a deposit on each container they sell of soda pop, iced tea, energy drinks, etc. It basically mimics the old, voluntary system of recycling, where bottling companies would pay people to return glass bottles, for reuse. When I was a…

ATF Misfire

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: June 23, 2011

A machine gun is like obscenity: We can’t define what it is, but everyone says they know it when they see it. Well, that appears to be the case with the agency of the federal government formerly called the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, anyway. According to a statement…

Townhall: A Movable Voter Fraud Feast?

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: January 5, 2014

Head on over to Townhall, where voter fraud and voting reform is the hot topic. Come back here, for the background stories: Denver Post: “New El Paso County resident Jon Caldara turns in blank recall ballot” Denver Post: “El Paso County Democrat asks DA to investigate Jon Caldara's vote” Denver…

Deadbeat California

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: May 11, 2023

The injustices pile up so thick and fast that one can’t really keep track. Some state governments are especially prolific in producing them. Governments like the Deadbeat State, formerly known as the Golden State. Now businesses in California must pay the price for the state government’s profligacy during the pandemic,…

U.S. Declaration of Independence

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: July 2, 2014

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate…

Thomas Jefferson

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: July 20, 2012

The taxes with which we are familiar class themselves readily according to the basis on which they rest. 1. Capital. 2. Income. 3. Consumption. These may be considered as commensurate; Consumption being generally equal to Income, and Income the annual profit of Capital. A government may select either of these…

Thomas Jefferson

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: December 13, 2018

The taxes with which we are familiar class themselves readily according to the basis on which they rest. 1. Capital. 2. Income. 3. Consumption. These may be considered as commensurate; Consumption being generally equal to Income, and Income the annual profit of Capital. A government may select either of these…

Neither Left Nor Right

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: November 5, 2009

Sometimes you just have to scratch your head. Nathan Koppel, in an article at the Wall Street Journal’s online site, finds it odd that a former Bush administration attorney is now in private practice arguing against a prosecutor who fabricated evidence in a murder suit. A similar piece at,…

Penn’s Jurors’ Treason — Our Reason

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: September 5, 2008

Remember, remember the Fifth of September, when jurors freed Penn of the knot. I know of no reason why Penn’s jurors’ treason should ever be forgot. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is one of three governors who have honored September 5, officially, as Jury Rights Day. From her 2007 proclamation we…