Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Toiletarianism — Safe Spaces Flushed

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: May 24, 2016

President Obama and other politicians are taking a wide stance over the nation’s public restrooms. Important bathroom policy will finally be determined at the highest levels.  In early May, public school educators nationwide received a legalistically-worded joint letter from the Departments of Justice and Education explaining how to legally treat…

California Crackdowns

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: September 25, 2009

A government agency practicing extortion . . . who’d’a thunk it? In 1987, the California Coastal Commission lost a Supreme Court case about its attempt to demand beach access from property owners in exchange for building permits. One justice said it was practicing extortion. Nevertheless, the agency still dictates what…

Bankrupted by Cushy Pension Contracts

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: July 14, 2011

Central Falls, Rhode Island, is not a large city. It is a town of under 20,000 people. And its government is broke, facing likely bankruptcy. Municipal bankruptcies are not common. But they might become so. Why? The blame is easy to place: the proverbial gun-under-the-table contracting foisted on small localities…

Taxing Christmas and Common Sense

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: November 10, 2011

Joke writers received an early Christmas present this week when the Obama Administration announced plans to levy a tax on Christmas. Actually, the tax was not on Christmas, precisely, but on Christmas trees. And not on all Christmas trees, just on real, "cut" Christmas trees as opposed to the artificial…

Taxation Rules

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: April 3, 2015

It turns out the United States is a tax haven. Haven? Heavens! I live here. I don’t feel that low-tax feeling when April 15 rolls around. But the Cato Institute’s Dan Mitchell, an expert on all things tax-policy — a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it — says “The…

The elephant, crazy like a fox?

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: May 17, 2012

Republicans are under attack from the highest towers of official Washington — the gnashing of chattering-class teeth now even more pronounced following Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock’s decisive victory over 36-year incumbent Republican U.S. Senator Dick Lugar. Two weeks ago, even before Mourdock’s triumph, the Washington Post published a column, entitled,…

A Chill Hits Illinois

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: January 13, 2011

That big bump in the night? It was the sound of a massive new tax increase dropping on the backs of Illinois citizens and businesses. Not long after midnight, Wednesday morning, mere hours before the newly elected legislature was to be sworn into office, the state’s lame-duck legislature voted to…

Pork with Onions

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: September 4, 2001

Onion pungency. Ornamental fish. Cranberry breeding. How to de-bone salmon.  Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against food. I just don't think the nation's taxpayers should be spending millions of dollars on onion pungency studies and anti-salmon-bone technology. Our career congressmen no doubt disagree. According to the Chronicle of…

Domain of Eminent Irony

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: January 13, 2010

You reap what you sow. That’s the lesson being taught to developers in Ozark, Missouri. A few years ago, a company called Hagerman New Urbanism benefited from Ozark’s use of eminent domain power to trample on the property rights of local citizens. The city shoved residents off their property. Hagerman…

Tax Reductions Ahead?

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: September 24, 2012

As the president yammers on about making the rich “pay their fair share,” behind the scenes his administration has suggested reducing corporate tax rates by seven points. Meanwhile, Obama’s main challenger, Mitt Romney, promised a full ten point rate cut, if elected. Why? By international standards, American corporate taxes are…