Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Against Crime

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: September 27, 2003

I'm squarely against crime. Yes. If you are too, I have good news. Crime rates in the U.S. have been dropping. Not for all crimes and not everywhere. But the drops have been large enough and consistent enough to add up to a significant trend. A trend that reporters and…

Determined To Be Free

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: January 17, 2011

Years ago, on a past Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I played a video of his speeches for my children. Upon hearing the words King delivered in a Selma church in 1965, I was overcome with emotion. Who wouldn’t be? “Deep down in our non-violent creed is the conviction there…

Passing the Buck

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: May 22, 2000

Our Constitution is the highest law in the land. It establishes the specific powers of Congress, and reserves other powers to other institutions or to the people. That's why members of Congress are required to take an oath to uphold the Constitution. But as with most of their promises and…

Defrosting the Obamalogic

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: February 11, 2011

I thought I was done talking about Obama’s Chamber of Commerce speech. But the Mises Institute’s Jeffrey Tucker has tackled another goofy element in it. The president claimed that government regulators “make our lives better” and “often spark competition and innovation.” In his example, the government’s “modest” regulatory targets imposed…

Townhall: At the Mercy of Politicians

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: November 3, 2013

Over at Townhall, the focus shines on Cincinnati — and Detroit. Can the former avoid the ignominy of the latter? Click on over to the column by Paul Jacob; come back here for more reading. You know, do your due diligence as an informed citizen: Cincinnati for Pension Reform website…

The Appearance of Alleged Corruption

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: August 12, 2008

How long does it take for the wheels of justice to grind ’round to grab a corrupt politician? In Senator Ted Stevens’s case, the answer is “a long time.” It took a year for the government to charge him with anything, after raiding his Alaska home on July 30, 2007.…

The Moratorium on Survival

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: August 9, 2021

If only Lincoln Eccles were a property owner in Franklin County, Ohio, instead of Kings County, New York. He’d have more of a chance. Franklin County is defying the latest national moratorium on evictions. Early in August, caving to pressure from socialist Democrats, President Biden directed the CDC to outlaw…

Farewell, Freedom’s Champions

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: December 31, 2008

As we enter a new year, I’d like to remember all the wonderful souls who have passed from this world in 2008. In politics, it’s easy to look on the bleak side. Yet, I’m hopeful for our republic, believing that “yes, we can” protect freedom. One reason? The example set…

Seven Million for Show

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: February 27, 2012

Complaining about the cost of holding an election is usually done by those who fear the election’s likely outcome, not the price. I’m not very sympathetic. Yet, I’m in total agreement with Andrew Wilson, a resident fellow at the Show-Me Institute, whose article “Money Down a Drain: The Millions Spent…

Kochs: The Real Thing

Relevance: 22%      Posted on: March 14, 2011

Lying about who you are to trick an ideological adversary into embarrassing himself on tape? A dubious means of advancing your cause. But James Taranto notes a key difference between an effective conservative sting operation against an NPR officer, Ron Schiller, and an earlier, ineffective liberal sting operation against Governor…