Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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More Equal

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: July 16, 2001

In George Orwell's Animal Farm, the farm animals overthrow the human farmer and set up a society of strict equality. Yet, no sooner is the society established than the political leaders become a special class. The slogan, "All animals are equal," gets an amendment: "But some animals are more equal…

Help Is Not on the Way

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: December 30, 2008

Think twice before you save people about to lose their lives, at least if you live in California. The state supreme court there just ruled that good Samaritans can be held liable if they cause or aggravate an injury while rendering emergency help if that help is not medical. A…

Townhall: The New Asian Exclusion Act

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: August 6, 2017

Affirmative action isn’t as black-and-white as we were told. Click on over to Townhall. Come back here for even more shades. New York Times: Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions CNN: Justice Dept. pushes back on NYT's 'race-based discrimination' report CNN: Harvard faces discrimination probe while…

That Ol’ Double Standard

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: October 19, 2009

On I discussed the ominous parallels between giving an award to a statesman who’s accomplished almost nothing and Hollywood insiders’ weirdo defense of international, jet-setting rapist Roman Polanski. My point was that people tend to relax their standards for the people they like, remaining harsh to the people they…

Thomas Jefferson

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: April 24, 2018

The taxes with which we are familiar class themselves readily according to the basis on which they rest. 1. Capital. 2. Income. 3. Consumption. These may be considered as commensurate; Consumption being generally equal to Income, and Income the annual profit of Capital. A government may select either of these…

Still at Large

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: January 24, 2018

Blogger Paul Caron, dean of Pepperdine Law School, still counts the days since we learned that the IRS was blocking applications for nonprofit status from right-leaning groups at the behest of former IRS honcho Lois Lerner. Now years later, the agency can still arbitrarily victimize any one of us. Nor…

Judicial Insanity

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: November 15, 1999

Massachusetts is the cradle of liberty. But lately the politicians and judges of the state have been acting more like old King George than Samuel Adams. Years ago, the people pushed through a petition that required their legislature to vote on term limits. But the state legislature simply refused to…

Riddle Us That

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: November 28, 2018

“Riddle me this,” William Rainford tweeted during the big national #MeToo civil war over the Senate’s confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. “Why would the accuser of Kavanaugh take a polygraph, paid for by someone else and administered by private investigator in early August, if she wanted to remain…

Look Homeward, Voter

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: January 22, 2008

Hillary is up; Barack is down. Or is that vice versa? Mike is up; Rudy’s down. Many presidential campaigns have their ups and downs, until only one remains “up.” But the real story is: you are up. It’s now your turn. Vote! But as sly economists and clever mathematicians like…

The J. Edgars’ Threat Tags

Relevance: 23%      Posted on: May 24, 2022

Last year, Attorney General Merrick Garland found himself under fire for putting parents under fire. That is, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was shown to be targeting for investigation parents upset at school boards for promoting Critical Race Theory. Garland tried to weasel out of the situation, but since then…