Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Hollowed-​Out America

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: May 24, 2023

While Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s comments in Arizona v. Mayorkas are worth studying in full — the case is about immigration — his thoughts on the late pandemic panic stand out. “Since March 2020,” Justice Gorsuch writes, “we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the…

The Color of Boom and Bust

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: March 12, 2010

You’ve heard of “green collar jobs.” But what about “glass collar jobs”? The Heartland Institute just put out a handy little pamphlet called The Cap and Trade Handbook, by James M. Taylor. It debunks various aspects of today’s obsession with fixing the global climate by laying on new restrictions, regulations…

Panic Over Polygamy?

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: May 5, 2008

After the raid on their religious “compound,” one of the Texas mothers being forcibly bussed away from their children held up a sign. It said: “SOS. Mothers separated. Help.” Another mom yelled, “We’re being kidnapped.” The nightmare started with a call to Texas child-protective services by a 16-year-old girl claiming…

You’re the Top

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: November 30, 2011

Rob Walton is rich, $21 billion rich. An email I received yesterday from the folks at Wal-Mart Watch (WMW) implores me to click to a website to vote for Mr. Walton as “the worst of the 1 percent . . . the person who is doing the most with their…

Americans United Against Sexual Misconduct

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: October 9, 2018

Paul Jacob Had Brett Kavanaugh done something terrible, he should have paid a terrible price. On that point, Americans are much more united than we seem on television, Twitter, and in your Facebook feed. And now, after what seemed like a million-year confirmation march, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed yesterday as…

Townhall: Weaponizing Freedom

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: July 8, 2018

This weekend’s Townhall foray is, yes, an expansion of Tuesday’s Common Sense, “Freedom Weaponized,” but is perhaps more shareable, because it gets a bit deeper. Check it out. Share it. Then come back here for the R&D: New York Times: “How Conservatives Weaponized the First Amendment” United States Supreme Court:…


Relevance: 24%      Posted on: June 29, 2021

Just when you thought you knew all the ways our “authoritative” institutions have blocked information from us regarding the origin of COVID-19, another shoe drops. Early in this pandemic, we learned that the World Health Organization (WHO) lacked any credibility, as their “scientists” shamelessly peddled the dishonest Chinese government line…

The Private Schools of Politicians?

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: March 26, 2008

Years ago, Oregon House Speaker Jeff Merkley voted against Oregon’s charter school legislation. He lost. Later, he and his wife applied to send two of their kids to a newly forming charter school. The school was late in starting up, so he lost again as the application wasn’t acted on.…

A Wish for Presidential Transparency

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: July 7, 2008

The blogger Alaskan Librarian has a list of things he'd like done by the next president. I share at least one of his wishes, "to see policy formulated in the open." Specifically, he wants candidates to sign the Reason Foundation's "Oath of Presidential Transparency." The pledge has two parts. The…

A Macro-​Hard Decision

Relevance: 24%      Posted on: November 28, 2001

I'm not one of those guys always badmouthing Microsoft. Sure, I'm always badmouthing my computer. And Microsoft has a lot to do with what is going on in my computer. But if Microsoft has something to do with the glitches, it also has a lot to do with what works.…