Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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The Colluder-​in-​Chief

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: September 15, 2021

When government pressures private companies to censor people, the government is itself acting to censor people. That the Biden administration is acting to censor unapproved discussion of COVID-19 isn’t a guess. It has publicly urged social-media companies to prohibit “misinformation.” White House press secretary Jen Psaki, for example, has said…

Infringed Upon

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: October 30, 2009

Call me a literalist. If I see a sign saying “Keep Off the Grass,” I assume that instruction applies to you, and me, and everybody but the lawn’s gardener. If my dog Bugsy is on leash, I’ll keep him off the lawn, too. Same for the Bill of Rights. Even…

Bernie’s Principled Recommendation

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: October 2, 2016

Bernie Sanders, man of principle, translated: Sure Gary has taken a stand against endless war, the drug war, our insane justice system, overcrowded prisons, police militarization, police abuse of civil rights, corporate cronyism, government surveillance... ...but he's not offering any free stuff, so you’d better vote for Hillary! Here's what…

No Rich No More

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: May 9, 2017

Connecticut has a budget problem. There’s not enough money to spend. WTNH-TV in New Haven paraphrased the situation along with the response of Connecticut’s very progressive governor: “Income tax revenue collapses; Malloy says taxing the rich doesn’t work.” The news story explains, “Connecticut’s state budget woes are compounding with collections…

Tax Attack

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: November 21, 2002

It's informational. Even if you lose, it tells you something. That's what Dane Waters of the Initiative and Referendum Institute says about the initiative process. People tend to be a little conservative about change. But even if your ballot initiative loses, at least you can get a discussion going about…

Airport Insecurity

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: November 30, 2001

Looks like we've approached touchdown on another national debate over national security. The Congress seems to be resolving the issue of airport security with a "compromise" that will federalize rather than privatize. A few airports will be allowed to experiment with private security options. And, supposedly, in a few years…

Boston Port Act passed, King against Vietnam, Howl seized

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: March 25, 2014

On March 25, 1774, the British Parliament passed the Boston Port Act, closing the port of Boston and demanding that the city's residents pay for the tea dumped into Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773. The cost of the tea was equivalent to $1 million…

Mercuric Regulation

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: May 29, 2003

Should we be scaring people to death? The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a fatwa against low levels of mercury in pregnant women. They say that children of women with 5.8 parts per billion of mercury in their blood are "at some increased risk of adverse health effects." But they…

Dirty Laundry?

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: June 21, 1999

A while back, I told you about Congress legislating smaller toilets that perform so poorly that a black-market has developed for the old outlawed toilets that actually work. It's outrageous that the politicians think they can dictate every aspect of our lives, and in the process take things that work…

Ballots, Barriers and Buncombe

Relevance: 25%      Posted on: September 13, 2021

“The right to vote is a sacred civil right that empowers naturalized citizens to participate in our democracy,” LaVita Tuff, policy director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta, informed the media. Yet, that same news release declared, “Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta and the Asian American Advocacy Fund collectively condemn the statements…