Search Results for: Drew Edmondson

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Minor Infraction, Felony Prosecution

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: May 12, 2015

Who is your state’s attorney general? It’s an awesomely powerful position. And it is therefore worth asking any future candidates for that office by what clear principles of justice, fairness, impartiality and even mercy they will abide. They will all, no doubt, claim to be “tough on crime” — and…

A Muse Not Amused

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: July 30, 2008

Blight. One of my favorite bloggers, Blue Collar Muse, refers to the continual abuse of eminent domain by government as "blight." He"s playing off the slippery concept of blight that local governments use to condemn whole areas in order to steal homes and small businesses. This Muse also alerted me…

No More Dance Police

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: May 22, 2008

The sign said “Beware of the Dance Police.” It graced a wooden post at San Tan Flat, a restaurant in Pinal County, Arizona. It was part of the restaurant’s protest against the county’s busy-bodyish no-dancing rule. Owners Dale Bell and son Spencer appealed that decision. And won. Spencer gladly took…

A Caricature Worth 25 Lashes?

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: May 14, 2012

One hallmark of a free society is the legal right to make fun of our leaders. Several times per week I engage in ridicule as well as argument against the folks who think they know what they are doing when they attempt to rule us. We should wear this freedom…

Two-​Way Communication

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: September 10, 2013

Tonight Americans have an opportunity to listen to President Barack Obama as he directly states his case for a U.S. military attack on Syria. Wouldn’t it be nice if, for one day, instead of Americans listening to the president, the president had to listen to us? Not just on Syria…

Thanksgiving 2009

Relevance: 18%      Posted on: November 26, 2009

Paul Jacob says “Thank You” What a difference a year makes. As I sit down to my Thanksgiving Day feast, that's what I'm thinking. And I certainly know I have a whole lot to be thankful for. Let me start by thanking you. For caring about freedom and justice. For…

Sebelius Crosses the Rubicon

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: May 21, 2013

Senator Lamar Alexander compares the latest Obama administration scandal to Iran-Contra . . . he says it’s “even bigger.” One hates to continually harp on the president and his scandals, but he and his big government keep producing them. So here we go again! Obamacare was supposed to save money.…

Saving Term Limits

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: December 22, 2014

Most ballot measures to enact term limits triumph. According to U.S. Term Limits, 100 percent of such measures did so in last November’s elections. Voters also rebuff most attempts to weaken or repeal term limits. But not all. Politicians who loathe term limits often use all their resources and cunning…

Firefox Fired

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: April 9, 2014

Brendan Eich resigned last week as CEO of Mozilla under pressure from gay rights activists upset because six years ago Eich had given a thousand bucks to California’s anti-gay marriage initiative, Prop 8. On Fox News’s Special Report, George Will dubbed the story “redundant evidence that progressives are for diversity…

A Kickstarter in the Pants

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: February 28, 2012

Wikipedia surprised a lot of people, changed a lot of minds: Online collaboration can accomplish great things. Following Wikipedia, other interactive, collaborative, not-quite-commercial Web-based projects have offered more evidence that the Internet can transform everyday life. Take It’s really ramped up to something impressive, as Carl Franzen points out…