Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Robert Nozick

Relevance: 52%      Posted on: June 28, 2024

To each as they choose, from each as they are chosen. Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974), Ch. 7: Distributive Justice, Section I, Patterning, p. 160. A slogan to counter the socialist principle of distributive justice, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” The full, non-slogan…

Fore! The Children, Of Course

Relevance: 51%      Posted on: June 20, 2008

We could use a few million-dollar ideas to help fight juvenile crime. How about a half-million-dollar idea? The Justice Department gave $500,000 to the World Golf Foundation. The foundation’s beneficiary program is called  “First Tee.” It’s designed to get youngsters interested in that most civilized of sporting passions, golf. Employees…

Stevens, Justice, and Corruption

Relevance: 51%      Posted on: April 13, 2009

When Ted Stevens, former senator from Alaska, was convicted on seven felony counts of corruption, I stressed that what I knew about Stevens’s corruption was not what was debated in court but what happened, quite openly, in the U.S. Senate. Do you remember my verdict? Here’s what I said: “[I]f…

The Wicked Witch Is Dead

Relevance: 51%      Posted on: July 29, 2010

Many is the time I’ve compared various politicians to The Wizard of Oz’s man behind the curtain. They’re not bad men; they’re just not very good wizards. But today brings a different connection to Oz: I can’t get the song, “Ding-dong, the Witch Is Dead!” out of my head. Tuesday,…

Lew Rockwell

Relevance: 50%      Posted on: July 1, 2019

On July 1, 1944, American activist and founder of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Lew Rockwell, was born.

Fourth Amendment Dead?

Relevance: 50%      Posted on: October 4, 2022

Unconstitutional actions are constitutional. A federal judge doesn’t say so explicitly, but that’s what his ruling amounts to. The case, which we discussed previously, involves U.S. Private Vaults, a Beverly Hills company that the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided last year. The company has been fined $1.1 million for money…

Google Gag Reflex

Relevance: 50%      Posted on: December 1, 2020

Maybe it’s an honor when big-tech companies gag you. Maybe you’re doing something right. Google-owned YouTube has yanked a Mises Institute talk by Tom Woods (“The COVID Cult”) from the Institute’s YouTube channel for challenging orthodox views of the pandemic. Google is also threatening the Mises Institute with further sanctions…

Lysander Spooner

Relevance: 50%      Posted on: October 17, 2023

The science of mine and thine — the science of justice — is the science of all human rights; of all a man’s rights of person and property; of all his rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Lysander Spooner, Natural Law; or, The Science of Justice, Section…

Video: A Freer Market in Medicine?

Relevance: 50%      Posted on: August 29, 2015

John C. Goodman, of the Independent Institute, has been studying and writing about health care and government policy for a long time. Here he sketches a way out of the current impasse, which is not just an “ObamaCare” problem:

Sorosian Justice?

Relevance: 49%      Posted on: July 18, 2022

Criminal courts provide an old kind of justice, where individuals’ specific acts are judged and individuals, if found guilty, are punished. “Social justice” is something else again — a daring, socialistic attempt to correct for all the ills “of society” or, more widely, “the cosmos.” That’s a huge agenda to…