Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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The Citizen Threat

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: January 2, 2024

“The Republicans,” said Tucker Carlson — speaking of elected Republicans — “who really do hate their own voters in a way that’s pathological, are just re-upping the spy laws to allow the Biden Administration to spy on their voters.” Mr. Carlson is not wrong, at least about Republican leaders aiding…

Through a Lens, Darkly

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: January 17, 2018

The “best debates” are ones in which one side shouts down the other side and threatens violence. Well, that is what a Washington Post essay implies. In “Why ‘social justice warriors’ are the real defenders of free speech on campus,” Matthew A. Sears, an associate professor of classics and ancient…

Prize Optimist

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: May 11, 2011

The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research has awarded its annual Friedrich Hayek Lecture and Book Prize to Matt Ridley, for his book The Rational Optimist. I wrote about the book last July, focusing on the title theme. The course of the last few hundred years gives us plenty of reasons…

Equality on the Brain

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: January 16, 2014

We’re told that “economic inequality” is on the rise. Ronald Bailey, at Reason’s site, does a pretty good job of setting the record straight. The rich may be getting richer, but the poor aren’t getting poorer. Further, “the rich” aren’t the same folks one year to the next. There is…


Relevance: 34%      Posted on: May 31, 2012

Those animals which are incapable of making binding agreements with one another not to inflict nor suffer harm are without either justice or injustice; and likewise for those peoples who either could not or would not form binding agreements not to inflict nor suffer harm.

Abort the Subsidy

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: August 11, 2015

Common Sense generally steers clear of the abortion issue. Arguably, for “common sense” reasons. I’ve always been pro-life, but I’ve also been skeptical of government’s ability to improve the situation, to save unborn lives via the criminal justice system. No law forces women to have abortions; it’s voluntary. I’ve long…

Tolvajärvi Victory

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: December 12, 2015

On December 12, 1939, Finnish forces defeated those of the Soviet Union in the first major victory of what became known as the Winter War, in the Battle of Tolvajärvi. December 12th birthdays include: * Erasmus Darwin (1731) – English physician, slave trade abolitionist, inventor and poet * John Jay…

Yes, We Can

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: September 21, 2020

“She was an amazing woman, whether you agree or not,” a visibly saddened President Trump offered reporters upon hearing that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg had passed away. She had “led an amazing life,” he added. Not amazing enough, however, to nudge Mr. Trump to wait and let the…

A Federalist Prescription

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: September 28, 2016

California has become the 32nd state to stand up for the dying. Gov. Jerry Brown just signed the “right to try” law that the Goldwater Institute has been pushing. It allows diagnosed terminally ill patients with only a few months left to live to try “experimental” medications. These are drugs…

Townhall: Minor Infraction, Felony Prosecution

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: May 10, 2015

The most efficient way to maintain one's perch in power is to knock down and scare off would-be competitors. Click on over to Townhall for the latest on the worst recent example — an ongoing abuse of power. And be sure to come back here for more reading. Be sure…