Search Results for: Drew Edmondson

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Eighth State and Drew Carey

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: May 23, 2016

On May 23, 1788, South Carolina became the 8th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Other May 23 events include: * 1813: South American independence leader Simón Bolívar entered Mérida, where he was proclaimed El Libertador (“The Liberator”), leading the invasion of Venezuela. * 1900: Sergeant William Harvey Carney became…

Eighth State and Drew Carey

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: May 23, 2017

On May 23, 1788, South Carolina became the 8th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Other May 23 events include: * 1813: South American independence leader Simón Bolívar entered Mérida, where he was proclaimed El Libertador (“The Liberator”), leading the invasion of Venezuela. * 1900: Sergeant William Harvey Carney became…

Eighth State and Drew Carey

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: May 23, 2018

On May 23, 1788, South Carolina became the 8th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Other May 23 events include: * 1813: South American independence leader Simón Bolívar entered Mérida, where he was proclaimed El Libertador (“The Liberator”), leading the invasion of Venezuela. * 1900: Sergeant William Harvey Carney became…

James Thomson

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: September 5, 2023

While Reason drew the plan, the Heart inform’dThe moral page and Fancy lent it grace. James Thomson (1700–1748), Liberty ( (1734) Pt. IV, L. 262.

Fifth Dimension Feds

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: March 6, 2014

I like the Fifth Amendment. I took it myself in 2007 when Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson was witch-hunting with his grand jury. My attorney advised that I had more to fear from innocently misstating something and being vindictively charged with perjury than from the ridiculous indictments the AG would…

Climate Change Assertions

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: December 9, 2016

I know Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump’s pick to head the EPA; he replaced the egregious Drew Edmondson as Oklahoma Attorney General. Pruitt seems like a good man. But Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) says different. “Mr. Pruitt’s record is not only that of being a climate change denier, but also .…


Relevance: 33%      Posted on: October 6, 2023

Those animals which are incapable of making covenants with one another, to the end that they may neither inflict nor suffer harm, are without either justice or injustice. And those tribes which either could not or would not form mutual covenants to the same end are in like case.  Epicurus, Principal Doctrines (Robert Drew…

The Liberator

Relevance: 32%      Posted on: May 23, 2020

On May 23, 1788, South Carolina became the 8th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Other May 23 events include: * 1813: South American independence leader Simón Bolívar entered Mérida, where he was proclaimed El Libertador (“The Liberator”), leading the invasion of Venezuela. * 1900: Sergeant William Harvey Carney became…

SC ratifies Const, Bolivar the Liberator, First black MOH winner, Artie Shaw born

Relevance: 32%      Posted on: May 23, 2014

On May 23, 1788, South Carolina became the 8th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Other May 23 events include: * 1813: South American independence leader Simón Bolívar entered Mérida, where he was proclaimed El Libertador ("The Liberator"), leading the invasion of Venezuela. * 1900: Sergeant William Harvey Carney became…

Unhappiness Is a Drawn Gun

Relevance: 31%      Posted on: August 25, 2009

Dear Reader: This “BEST of Common Sense” comment originally aired on September 20, 2007. The growing use of zero-tolerance policies — especially having anything to do with guns — is the opposite of common sense. Mass insanity may be more popular these days, but I still prefer common sense. —PJ…