Search Results for: irs targeting

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Their Turn Is a Falling Blade?

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: August 7, 2018

Paul Jacob How far are we away from a completely vindictive, murderous madness like The Terror of revolutionary France? I know, no one is talking of guillotines. Well, almost no one. I’ve seen a certain cartoon poster from Seattle that features a guillotine and the severed head of Jeff Bezos,…

Wag the Wolf

Relevance: 10%      Posted on: April 11, 2018

Once upon a time, President Donald Trump was against attacking Syria merely on grounds that its dictator is a murderously bad guy — despite numerous chemical attacks on civilians in opposition-occupied and -contested areas that had been blamed on Syrian dictator Bashar Hafez al-Assad. Almost exactly a year ago, a…

Let’s Repeal the First Amendment?

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: July 2, 2014

The First Amendment, I think I’ll keep it. Not so for 44 sitting U.S. Senators — all Democrats. They’re proposing Senate Joint Resolution 19, which would amend the U.S. Constitution by scratching out a sorta important part of the Bill of Rights. Senate Joint Resolution 19 would repeal the First…

Big Guy, Little Guy

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: May 8, 2023

“Prosecutors are nearing a decision on whether to charge President Biden’s son Hunter with tax- and gun-related violations,” The Washington Post reports.  Last October, the paper disclosed that, after a four-year investigation, federal agents had “gathered what they believe is sufficient evidence to charge him.” Hunter Biden’s failure to honestly…

Resistance in Munich

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: February 24, 2015

The past offers us many lessons. And cause for alarm. And inspiration, too. Seventy-two years ago today, three young Germans — 21-year-old Sophie Scholl, her older brother by three years, Hans, and their friend 24-year-old Christoph Probst — were put to death by the Nazis. They were decapitated — guillotined —…

It Takes a Collectivist

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: July 11, 2013

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” Or so goes the old saying, its wisdom completely unappreciated by the folks producing MSNBC’s “Lean Forward” spots, featuring various network stars spouting lame political talking points into the camera. Go figure — in…

The fickle finger of fairness?

Relevance: 9%      Posted on: February 4, 2012

“Life,” my parents often told me, “isn’t fair.” But President Barack Obama isn't so negative: yes it can be fair. “We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number of Americans barely get by,” our president informed the nation…

Brothers in Crime

Relevance: 8%      Posted on: June 20, 2013

James “Whitey” Bulger adamantly denies two of the 19 murders he’s accused of committing and for which he’s now on trial in a Boston federal court, along with facing a dozen lesser charges. Decades ago, the 83-year old reputed mobster allegedly ran much of the city’s organized crime. Whitey may…

A Sudden Case of Homesickness

Relevance: 8%      Posted on: November 17, 2015

“I want to go home,” Arkansas State Senator Jon Woods whimpered last weekend. The poor, pitiful politician — announcing he would not seek election to another legislative term — cried that he had not “been fishing with [his] brother in a year.” “I have friends in my district who I…

Targeting Self-​Defense

Relevance: 8%      Posted on: March 18, 2014

How do you turn a fine, upstanding, conscientious and goal-driven young man into a terrorist? By fiat. That is, by treating him like a terrorist. That is, treating him very badly. Drop the whole weight of the law on him . . . for holding the wrong opinions. What opinions?…