Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Ending Obamacare

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: December 5, 2013

Getting rid of Obamacare has proved not so easy. The GOP House majority, won in late 2010, voted dozens of times to get rid of the program, but without Senate support to pile on (much less override a presidential veto), they could vote to repeal every day of the year…

Justice Delayed in Cambodia

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: August 27, 2014

It’s not a satisfying verdict. And no punishment can ever balance the scales for the many lives that the Khmer Rouge destroyed. This August the two most senior surviving regime leaders, responsible for slaughtering an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians from 1975 to 1979 in the name of restructuring society along…

Pitchfork Rebellion

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: August 24, 2012

What if they threw a rebellion and everybody came? Anything you do these days can get you in trouble with regulators, from serving water without the proper liquor license to (I kid you not) throwing a birthday party without the proper happiness-making license. But being harassed for doing peaceful things…

Apologies to Ms. Kelo

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: September 21, 2011

The sad story of Kelo v. The City of New London keeps dragging on, adding coda to epilogue, epilogue to coda. Recently, Jeff Benedict, the author of Little Pink House, gave a talk attended by both Connecticut Supreme Court Justice Richard N. Palmer and Suzette Kelo. Afterwards, chatting with Ms.…

Herbert Spencer

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: October 26, 2019

Perhaps the soul of goodness in things evil is by nothing better exemplified than by the good thing, justice, which, in rudimentary form, exists within the evil thing revenge.

Closed: No Competition

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: March 1, 2012

Ancient societies were mostly closed societies. Modern society (at least as conceived by most of America’s “founding fathers”) was to be something very different: open. But today there’s way too much “managed” competition, basically closing out businesses not on some insider list. Julie Crowe, a veteran of the armed forces…

Twelve Monkeys in Charge?

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: June 18, 2020

Dr. Anthony Fauci, current director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, served as a leader on the “Global Vaccine Plan” through partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates, late of Microsoft, Inc., is on record desiring to make a future coronavirus vaccine mandatory for…

Too Respectful of Congress?

Relevance: 39%      Posted on: June 27, 2013

In disagreements between individuals and the IRS, I tend to side with individuals against the IRS. So Wednesday’s Supreme Court ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act seems about right, on the face of it. Yes, the judicial review and nixing of DOMA regarded a tax case. The state of…

Life After Scalia

Relevance: 39%      Posted on: February 15, 2016

President Reagan appointed Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to the nation’s highest court in 1986. Scalia served for 29 years before passing away over the weekend at age 79. May he rest in peace. None of the rest of us will get any. Why? An often conservative 5-4 majority is…

Spring’s Decisions

Relevance: 39%      Posted on: April 23, 2014

Spring is in the air, and old men’s hearts turn to thoughts of . . . law. Yes, Supreme Court Decision Season has begun. Yesterday, two decisions were handed down. In Schuette v. BAMN, Justice Kennedy “announced” the decision to reverse a previous court’s determination overruling a citizen-initiated constitutional amendment…