Search Results for: irs targeting

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The Senatorial Suppressor

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: November 16, 2021

The brazenness of governmental assaults on freedom of speech continues apace. In addition to “aggressive IRS scrutiny” of conservative groups, using campaign finance regulations to suppress speech, and FBI raids on homes of perpetrators of journalism, we are seeing government officials openly demand that private firms suppress speech. In September,…

Science Isn’t Morality

Relevance: 21%      Posted on: October 7, 2019

“Scientist” — what an abused term! When a journalist needs an authority to write about some nutty, wildly improbable affront to common sense, a “scientist” will do. Case in point, turn to Newsweek: “Tanning salons are more likely to be located in U.S. neighborhoods with higher numbers of same-sex male…

No Match for Voters

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: January 10, 2000

One thing you can say about the political establishment in Washington is that at least they're consistent. They consistently ignore what the American people think. Consider public funding, or matching funds, given to presidential candidates. The program just doesn't work. And the American people know it though Washington, DC isn't…

What Would Dixon Do?

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: November 20, 2009

Maybe it’s just me . . . and all other normal people. But I’m more worried about policemen who abuse authority than those too “culturally insensitive” in their cheerful greetings. Yes, that’s the latest crisis: Bobbies who say “Good evenin’ all” as they walk the beat. Or so says a…

A Plague Upon Small Business

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: May 28, 2010

Those who like Big Government tend to dislike Big Business. So it must be just an unintended effect that shiny, new government programs invariably harm small businesses, aiding big ones. There are many examples of this. Today’s comes from the biggest new kid on the block, the new health care…

Absurdity Then, Absurdity Now

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: February 19, 2009

There’s a famous quip by one English intellectual about another. “Oh, you know what so-and-so’s idea of a tragedy is: A beautiful theory killed by an ugly fact.” Well, don’t I know it. I wrote a column, recently, for, entitled “The Buxom Bailout Babes of the Umpteenth Brumaire.” In…

Race, Ignorance, Racism

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: April 27, 2021

Not spending millions more to hire and train swarms of Internal Revenue Service agents to poke, audit, investigate and squeeze more tax dollars from wealthier Americans would be — you knew this was coming — racist.  That’s the new argument for siccing the IRS on wealthier Americans; they’re more likely…

Bring It On

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: December 1, 2003

I don't get too excited about either major political party. When the Democrats are in, I think, "Oh my goodness, the Democrats are in!" With the Republicans in, I think, "Oh my goodness, the Republicans are in!" When everything is nice and bipartisan, I think: "Oh my goodness, another pay…

Taking a Stand

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: April 26, 1999

On issues, politicians love to tell us how much they care, but they hate to tell us where they stand. Last year, Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania ran a different kind of campaign. No poll-driven, mushy sound bites. He didn't tell voters what they wanted to hear, but what he really…

Fair is Fair

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: July 10, 2012

President Barack Obama is not targeting the country’s 99 percent against the wealthiest 1 percent. In a news conference, yesterday, he instead singled out the top 2 percent. Even though they account for 46 percent of all income taxes collected, Obama says members of this group don’t pay their “fair…