Search Results for: Taiwan

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Strait Democracy

Relevance: 58%      Posted on: October 12, 2021

“China vows ‘peaceful reunification’ with Taiwan,” was The New York Post’s takeaway from Chinese ruler Xi Jinping’s speech at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing over the weekend. What fantabulous news! Peace for our time . . . in Asia.  That same message was echoed by The Washington…

Trumping China?

Relevance: 58%      Posted on: June 3, 2020

“You may not like Donald Trump,” argues Dr34mLucid in his latest video on YouTube and Facebook, “but he is the most vocal and has taken the most action in containing China. That is a fact.”  Dr34mLucid is Christopher Raymond Hall, who claims to be “made in Britain, schooled in the…

Fight or Flight?

Relevance: 57%      Posted on: August 1, 2022

Be strong or be gone. America must choose one of these two options in East Asia.  China insists. Let’s note at the outset that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did not “directly” threaten to shoot down House Speaker Pelosi’s plane on her possible upcoming visit to democratic and free Taiwan.…

Sit Back, America?

Relevance: 56%      Posted on: December 28, 2023

“America just needs to sit back,” insists Joseph Solis-Mullen, author of The Fake China Threat and Its Very Real Dangers. This, he says, is the best reaction to an admittedly aggressive China. On his podcast, Tom Woods asserted that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would be “a net-negative for the…

Dangerous Neighbor

Relevance: 56%      Posted on: January 15, 2024

“Are you a journalist?” asked the woman in an overflow crowd of thousands, who, like me, couldn’t fit into the packed stadium for a Democratic Progressive Party rally on the eve of Taiwan’s election. “Or do you just love Taiwan?”  With a broad smile, I told her: “I love Taiwan.”…

Continuity Against the Chinazis?

Relevance: 55%      Posted on: January 25, 2021

With Joe Biden now in the White House, will the U.S. continue former President Trump’s hardline toward China? Especially regarding Taiwan, regularly threatened with invasion by Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Or will President Joe Biden — dubbed “Beijing Biden” by some Trump supporters during the campaign — return to the…

Biden Time with Bully

Relevance: 55%      Posted on: July 25, 2022

What’s more provocative: visiting friends or threatening a military invasion? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is rumored to be visiting Taiwan in August, to see our friends who have made the most miraculous political advances of the last half century, from a repressive authoritarian society through four decades of martial law…

It’s Complicated

Relevance: 55%      Posted on: March 14, 2022

“You are living proof of this nation’s democracy,” former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently told his hosts in Taipei, Taiwan, accepting an award honoring his work to strengthen relations between our two countries. He was referring to a small group of protesters outside his hotel.  “And,” Pompeo added,…

Getting Guns to Good Guys

Relevance: 52%      Posted on: November 16, 2022

No sooner had President Biden shared his somewhat soothing takeaway from a three-hour meeting with Chinese ruler Xi Jinping — Joe doesn’t think there is an “imminent” threat of China invading Taiwan — then here comes a report that Russian missiles have killed two people. Not in Ukraine, where Russia…

Listen: Secession & Imperialism

Relevance: 51%      Posted on: October 31, 2021