Search Results for: Taiwan

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Chen Shui-​bian 

Relevance: 100%      Posted on: March 17, 2022

Our Taiwan road is “a road of democracy, a road of freedom, a road of human rights, and a road of peace for Taiwan.” Taiwan is our country. Our country should not be bullied, dwarfed, marginalized, and localized.Speech (August 5, 2002), by Chen Shui-bian, former president of Taiwan (2000-2008).

Listen: Keep Taiwan Free!

Relevance: 74%      Posted on: January 20, 2024

Paul’s weekend podcast has been discontinued. But he still has something to say — from the streets of Taipei:

Why Should Americans Defend Taiwan?

Relevance: 71%      Posted on: January 13, 2024

Paul Jacob is in Taiwan right now, so the question is on his mind. He has a few answers. And you have a few options: Listen to his talk on SoundCloud (where his podcasts were hosted). Watch the talk on Go to Facebook to watch the video or chat…

Taiwan in Two Words

Relevance: 69%      Posted on: October 28, 2021

“Two words from Taiwan’s leader threaten to upend U.S.-China ties,” headlined The Japan Times’ story. Weeks ago, China’s totalitarian leader Xi Jinping mentioned his itch for peaceful “reunification” with Taiwan.* Or else. No pause in his warplanes crossing into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone, nor withdrawal of the continual threat…

Watch: London, Punjab & Taiwan

Relevance: 69%      Posted on: October 30, 2021

Paul Jacob is on something like a diplomatic mission in London. He explains all, and covers the biggest story of last week in this latest episode of This Week in Common Sense. We are presenting the video first — on Rumble, of course — because of, well, technical difficulties. (Most…

Read/​Watch: Taiwan History

Relevance: 66%      Posted on: October 28, 2023

On Wednesday, Paul Jacob introduced his new project, Yesterday, Paul provided, on that site, a special feature, an extensive guide to Taiwanese history. Here is an outline of it: “It might be time for the rest of us — like Nixon did in 1971 — to recognize reality: there…

A Thousand Times Yes

Relevance: 62%      Posted on: September 22, 2022

“Yes,” President Joe Biden stated unequivocally in answer to an October 2021 CNN townhall question on whether he would “vow to protect Taiwan.” Biden repeated that “yes” three more times in his full reply. Months earlier, this president spoke of democratic Taiwan as one of our key allies that we…

Stuck in the Middle with US?

Relevance: 61%      Posted on: November 17, 2022

Is Taiwan, the island democracy of 24 million, really caught in the nation-state equivalent of a lovers’ triangle? “Taiwan is caught in the middle of escalating tensions between the U.S. and China,” is how National Public Radio headlined its recent story about Communist Party-ruled China “speeding up its plans to…

Panic at Sea

Relevance: 61%      Posted on: February 22, 2024

“The passengers later told local media they feared for their lives,” Newsweek reported. Those 23 tourists, along with 11 crew members, were traveling from Taiwan’s Kinmen islands, located just six miles off the Chinese mainland, back to the big island of Taiwan, when a Chinese Coast Guard vessel stopped and…

How to Avoid World War III

Relevance: 59%      Posted on: March 11, 2022

Last week, when I heard about a power outage across Taiwan, my first thought was the possibility of a Chinese cyberattack which might precede a military attack. It was not that. Thank goodness. But what if it had been? Many have speculated that the Russian invasion of Ukraine might distract…